
Have you ever had this kind of a dream..........?

by  |  earlier

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where in the dream a girl in reality never liked you until in the dream, so you go on a romantic date by lake michigan on a pattleboat and then you find a huge missle in the water and then you figure out it could be like Y2K, where the world ends the next day, just after you got ur favorite girlfriend.

because i recently did, and i had now like 4 of those type of dreams. what do they mean.




  1. Dreams dont really mean anything to anyone but you....

    but if i were to guess..i'd say it means that you should go for the girl in the dream b/c normally you dont have those kinds of dreams unless somewhere in you subconscience you have a girl you wanna be with.

    but thats just a guess

  2. Hm. I've never had a dream EXACTLY like that. Getting what you want and then for it to be taken away the next day could either mean you are after something that isn't necessarily realistic or right for you or it could mean you should get what you want because you might not get another chance. If you like this girl who doesn't like you.. you can either move on and find someone who likes you JUST AS MUCH as you like them, or  if you just really like her and no one else...maybe you should do all that you can to show her that you like her...maybe you might not get another chance. :) Then again, I'm not an expert.

  3. It sounds like you need to ask this person out.  The dream may be telling you to do it before it's too late.

  4. Yes I did. It was quite interesting.

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