
Have you ever had to cope with the fact that you can't pursue your life dream? How do you handle that???

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Everybody has some sort of goal or dream they plan to achieve in life, and for the most part, alot of people get to fulfill that dream.... but the fact of the matter is, some of us will never get to live that dream for whatever the reason may be. And if it was your *LIFE DREAM*, I'd assume that it would be a hard pill to swallow... so how do you handle that???




  1. ive never had to cope with that,,because those words can never enter into my mind, if i have a dream or a goal then nothing can stand in my way

  2. I had the dream of advancing to a much higher position in the company where I worked.  I worked hard for years and watched other men get promoted over me who (I felt) were less qualified.  There were several times that those over me took credit for my work and my ideas and gained promotions.  

    I was bitter at times and then, I realized that I was not just working for "the man".  As a Christian, I believed the real boss was God and I was working for Him.  Believing that, I was able get over being bitter, knowing that perhaps I might have to wait until the next life to get my reward, but that my good work was not for nothing and would be rewarded at some point.

  3. You ask how an unfufilled dream is handled but, if you have a dream than you should go for it with all your might! No matter what a dream is it can be reached.

  4. WRONG ANSWER! All Dreams and All Goals are attainable as long as U all Never Give Up otherwise why would everyone work all the way to achieve it? Why do U work for Governmnent? lol. I dun work for government becos we all know the dirtiest are always from the government!

    Have U seem the rich and famous are trying to stop your dreams and your goals? Never, cos they have money but they need pple like u to work out to make more big monies and at the end by rewarding u with a richful life for the job well done except the Government RATS of the DOGland becos they have been feed by us, taxpayer, daily which we all work all days long just to stuff their hungry mouth.

    When everyone has a dream and a goal, everyone starts to PLAN IN and WORK IT OUT so how would a dream and a goal cannot be achieved? imao! If this is truth about unattainable as easy as ABC, there wouldn't be a class called Rich, Middle and Poor.

    it is always up to U to be successful,  provided no interfering from the rats! IF the rats R up to u, Give up and live with your life, happily go lucky becos u never win those rats! My personal XP of successful life especially with those rats!

    Protect your dreams and your goals at all cost because STEALing of one's hardwork is always FREE! so Watch it!

  5. i am actually living a better life then my original life dream. and now my goals have expanded by ALOT. but i suppose if my new life dream were to be a total failure i would just move on and not hold it against myself.

  6. Why would u ask only how to cope about goals and dreams that are hard to pursue and not what are the cause and the effect that stopping one's pursue goals and dreams? imao....

  7. You CAN pursue your life dream....first find out what is stopping you and get it out of the way!

  8. I give up! live days by days because whatsoever dreams and goals i have build up, it always stolen by the dogs!

    nowaday, i happily go lucky especially EVA incidents. imao.

    Give up! dun be a fool of keep trying, it nevers get u there.

  9. If you don't follow your true dream "for whatever the reason may be" that is you r own choice. There are no victims. We choose our path.

  10. I was married at 18, had 3 kids before I was 22 and at 42 I have 5 kids and 3 grandchildren. I will never be a Mario Andretti, but I still have hope of one day buying a car that I can race on the weekends. I'll never be President, but I still feel that I can affect politics locally. I don't have an Ivy League education, but I can still take college courses and earn a degree.

    Surviving disappointment is all about looking at all of the things you CAN do and not dwell on the few things that you cannot.

  11. confidence...and know your gonna matter what...

  12. It happened to me and I could give you a lot of  b.s about how you deal with it and go on with your life...b.s is exactly what it would be too.Fact of the matter is, not a day goes by without thinking about what might have been, if only...The answer is, you deal with it. You have no other choice.

  13. 'Can't' is not a concept that one should embrace when entertaining pursuit of a life dream.  So there is no need to cope with disappointment, just cope with the re-focus of the energy needed to accomplish it.

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