
Have you ever had to deal with a.......?

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child who was thoroughly annoying that just so happened to be your child's friend?




  1. Yes.  Our next door neighbor.  She is 2 years older than my daughter, btu because of their proximity, they play a lot.  My daughter idolizes this girl...however I feel she exhibits a total lack of manners, is WAY too grown up for her age (6) and will drop my little girl like a hot potato once she realizes it isn't so cool to hang with someone 2 years younger.

    For now I just try to stress over and over to my girl that this neighbor isn't always so nice, that I do NOT want my daughter acting like her, and that she is not the be all and end all.

  2. Yes!  Thankfully my daughter finally saw the light too and doesn't play with her too often.

  3. no

  4. Oh yes! One of my daughter's friends is very high energy, talks all the time in a high pitch voice. She's basically a good kid except that she thinks every decision a grown up makes is negotiable. It can get very annoying.

  5. yes, i have and the good news is just be happy it isn't your child that is so annoying, because you can just send his annoying friend home.

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