
Have you ever had to shoot someone or produce a firearm in self-defence?

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Have you ever had to shoot someone or produce a firearm in self-defence?




  1. I once shot a burglar with my air rifle, hahah!

  2. no.not here in the UK.

  3. No

    I don't have a gun.

  4. I had a business on the edge of the township many years ago. I got robbed at gunpoint a couple of times, and had no problem pulling the gun on others after that.  

    Thank God, I've never once shot anyone, and I am now out of that environment.

  5. No, never. I do not enjoy violence, which is why I get other people to do it for me. That is the very nice thing about being the leader of ZANU and ZANLA, and now the President. Lots of people always want to be nice and helpful and do away with other people for you. It is like when the bomb got Chitepo; have you ever thought why that happened? I know. You might have asked Tongogara, but he won't tell you. He was killed in a car accident. You see what I mean, now?

  6. I carry an AK-47 and I'm a female.

  7. I once shot somebody... a smile :D

  8. That is a private matter and can not displayed

    This kind of Q is better unanswered

  9. I'm an anti-gun lobbyist.

  10. Unfortunately not. Almost shot the one security guard from ADT ones. The alarm went of so I went outside with my gun and heard something around the corner, when I walked around he walked into the barrel, I luckily saw the uniform before pulling the trigger.

  11. Not shot at someone but my dad was in the Rhodesian army so yes he has.

    I have however fired into the air when we where hunting on the farm. There were some guys that came onto the farm (criminals that had escaped from prison in Zim!) and we all had to shoot into the air to scare them away for self defence.

  12. no on both questions and i thank god for that.  i only see stuff like that on tv and if i had to live in a world like that i'd move cause i sure wouldn't raise my children in that kind of place.  thats why i raise my children in the country so they don't have to be around a society like that then grow up to be like that cause that would be all they knew. Its  a big mean world out there so i try to shield them from that as long as i can. I do worry about that too cause if one day they go someplace in the world like that they'd be to friendly and trusting and as i said before: its a big mean world out there, but i do no if i had to protect mine or they were threatened there wouldn't be a doubt.   I die for mine and i'd kill to protect them

  13. No, but I have used produce for self-defense.

  14. Nope.. luckily for me i guess.

  15. No way man! I live in Surrey!

  16. No not yet...... I am dreading the day.

  17. Yes I fired shots to foil an attempted hijacking four years ago.

    My then fiance was driving infront of me and came to a stop in a suburban area in Cape Town. I was a distance behind her when one guy came to her window to ask for change. another guy went to the passenger window and smashed it. he tried to get her out of the car and I sped to the scene. got out of the car and fired three shots in the air. the hijacker still carried on untill i fired one more shot into the door of the car and they fled.

    it was a life altering experience knowing that I had the power to end a life.

  18. I fired two or three shots into my gardens flower beds, directed towards the ground, where there were three burglars hiding and waiting in my old house about 4 years ago, fortunately I have never had to shoot anyone, if push came to shove I would but I would prefer not to have to.

    If they're in my garden I will shoot in their direction to scare them off, if they enter my house, I will shoot them, dead.

  19. No, no, no, no no!

    The nagain, I'm not from the US where it seems you're frowned upon for NOT having a gun!!

    I guess from what we hear in the news that SA is rife with guns.

  20. I assume you mean in everyday life, and not in the Army or anything. Yes. This big b*****d and his mate got onto the train, late at night. They were alone with me, and had started the journey at opposite ends of the carriage, throwing a hamburger at one another. I meanwhile lit a cigarette, which the big - really huge, ugly - b*****d saw. He wanted a cigarette too, and stood over me, threateningly, and said, "Gimme a f-ag."

    Smile. "No."

    Angry - "Why not?"

    "Don't feel like it. You're not very polite."

    "Gimme a f-ag." Harder. Threatening a bit more.

    That's when he realised I had my hand in my shoulder bag, and that 2 inches of the stubby end of a Browning Hi-Power was looking out at him. He immediately apologised, and the two went and sat down quietly for the rest of their journey.

    I'm a great believer in the dissuasive effect of firearms, in the right hands, that is!

    (For some reason, YA don't like me to use the English slang word for a cigarette...)

  21. Yes ,unfortunately .....

  22. I don't have a firearm, only mace. Wish I had one. With this new tough regulations for owning a firearm, I don't think they are going to give me a licence, so I decided that I'm going to take up knife throwing for self defence. Don't need a licence for that.

  23. Only on the border but not in civilian life. I hope and pray it will never be necessary but if my kids and wife are at risk, a dead body or bodies will be removed by a garbage truck.

  24. Yes, and it was here in the UK, during my Army service in Northern Ireland.

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