
Have you ever had trouble getting a job because your were home schooled?

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Have you ever had trouble getting a job because your were home schooled?




  1. well if the person who teaches you had barely experiences or a little trouble with your permanent's possible

  2. Nope.  In fact, it's usually a good thing to bring up in the interview because people always have questions about it and it gives me something to talk about that I know well.

  3. No way. Homeschoolers are generally well schooled, intelligent, handy, friendly and GREAT employees! See which is a huge free homeschool site.

  4. Not at all. People that are homeschooled are just as, if not more educated than people that go to school.

  5. Because my WHAT were homeschooled?

  6. Nope. When my boss for the last job I applied for handed me the list of requirements and one of them said 'high school diploma', I told him up-front I didn't have a diploma since I was homeschooled, but graduated, and he said that it wasn't an issue, he had hired homeschoolers before, and generally liked them. Plus, I also was in the honors program at a large (Division I) private university, so that also might have helped...

  7. I have never met anyone who had trouble.  Homeschoolers can truthfully check "yes" to the graduation question on applications because if they completed the course of study required by their homeschool, they DID graduate High School.  They can also legally say they received a diploma because no state says that parents cannot issue a diploma.

    My kids will be taught to check "Yes" on the graduation question, and list the name of our home school for "Last school attended", of course, I also will tell them to add in parenthesis the word "homeschool", because the goal is not to deceive, but just to honestly list their accomplishments.

  8. My step-daughter has problems getting a job because she graduated from public school without being educated.

    She wanted to take classes at the community college but did not do well on the placement test.   They wanted her to do extensive remedial work so she could be ready to do community college level courses.

    We have homeschool friends who get jobs and go to college after being taught at home.

  9. My 17-year-old son had a much easier time getting a summer job because he was able to start in April and work school hours before the other kids were available.

  10. Not a job. But the Marines won't accept me because of homeschool

  11. I'm to young to get a job

  12. Some prefer it.

  13. No.

  14. not me but i know someone who couldnt get accepted because she is home schooled

    I guess most american they are not like europian they dont have the education level which england and other europe have because of home schooling

    thats why when u ask them any logic question they are out of the world

    what they know is their area not all america and that is bad they are really behind in education so It is something to be considered for all american to open their mind and start knowing what is happening in the world not only think of their state and know nothing about the other states even

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