
Have you ever had your car "written off" (totalled) by another driver?

by  |  earlier

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i have, twice in fact. wasnt injured but shocked at the impact and the noise. one was 7pm xmas eve. she totalled another car, then totalled mine then drove into a wall and totalled her seat belt, knocked out her front teeth..

the first time a new driver lost control on a bend and hit me.

fire engines, police and ambulances both times. nervous now.




  1. My wife did once. She was exiting from a small mini mall and was making a left turn. An old man (89) came around the curve in the rain and t-boned my wife's mini-van just behind the "B" pillar and crushed the left side of the van into and passed the frame.

    The stupid insurance company (Geico) wanted to put the blame on my wife until I complained and told them that they should've been able to prove via "crush damage analysis" that the other driver was going faster than the posted 35mph speed limit.

  2. my husband did-another driver cut him off on the highway in the rain. My husband's Volvo hydroplaned causing him to hit a guard rail- Our two month old volvo was totaled but lucky no injuries.

  3. Vehicles ARE NOT "written off" or "totaled" by other drivers.  They may be damaged by other drivers who are found at fault in a vehicle accident investigation, but it's the INSURANCE COMPANY who makes the decision to write off or total a vehicle.  

    To write off, or total a vehicle means that the insurance company has determined that the vehicle would cost more to repair than it is worth, and this value is not always written in stone. It can be negotiated.

  4. Unfortunately yes by a young kid that rear-ended me.

  5. my b/f has just had that happen to him, someone pulled out on him and his car was written off, the reason the insurance company wrote it off was £3000 of damage but car was worth over £4000 but it was a MG and the parts would take to long to get hold of them. he still owed a yrs payment on h/p but they took all the money a clause for paying off early, so no car and no money to buy another.. he was fully comp. the other driver who pulled out in front of him was driving someone elses car and hes put in a claim. its a joke and his insurance has gone up and it was not his fault.

  6. An old man drove into my parked car and threw it into my neighbours garden.

  7. Yes, 3 months after I bought a brand new car. I pulled out of a junction and a car was coming!!! It was my fault and I only had 3rd party insurance so I lost my car and go nothing back

  8. yes Ive never caused an accident in my life yet ive managed to have 4 cars written off by other idiots on the road.

  9. YUP>>> stupid woman was talking on her cell phone and pulled out in front of me (I was going 50 miles an hour at time). I totalled both my car and hers because of her stupidity.  had my 18 month old son in the car  as well (well he was 18 months at the time, hes 7 yrs now)..  all of us were taken to hospital.. (different ones thank god because I would've ripped her a new a*s if I saw her)

  10. yes..a young boy rear-ended my Buick and totaled it..I hated that because I really liked my car!

  11. a church minibus came toward me in a road narrowing. car was right off, i was off work 3 months and suffered for nearly a year with injury. it was on my husband's birthday, luckily him and kids were not in car.

  12. yeap

    the f*****/ gits

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