
Have you ever had your friends father check you out?

by  |  earlier

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Especially when your sitting at the table and he tries to rub your shoulders.





  1. either ur just too paranoid.. or hes a petefile.. u should try talkin to ur friends about this.. see wat she says.. lol.. make it into a joke maybe.. so its not too hostile.. lol.. but no never happened to me.. fortunatly im not hot.. lol

  2. whaa lol?? thats NEVER happend to me. gross.

  3. Sometimes I give hugs to  my friends dads because they are so sweet, but, I think its only OK if a girl gives the hug NOT the dad. I think that you should definitely be vocal if there is something creepy going on. Tell him you are not comfortable with adults who are not family touching you.

  4. Hmmmm..Can't say that I have...thank God!  But I have had a few moms check me out.....creepy....had one of my own mom's girl friends even crawl on top of me once when I was in bed when I was like 18!  Too freeekie...

  5. Ya Buy i usually just grab his crotch and say "ill see you upstairs?"not really hes probably just a normal dad.

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