
Have you ever had your heart broken?

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I'm in 7th grade and liked a boy who wasin 8th.I told my friend I liked Anthony(my crush)and he told him.It was unbelieveably weird.I've loved him since 1st grade and no other.When my friend told him I liked him,Anthony said that,"Maybe next year",he showed no reaction,only a smile.Now,he's on his way to highschool and I have no memory of him of even a phone number.What does,"Maybe next year really mean?",I've heard that he was a very nice boy,so do you think he was maybe telling the truth,or letting me down slow?Well, the point is I wow'nt be seeing him until another year.Have you had any heartbreak experiences?




  1. Yes but in time yours will heal just like mine did. The key is letting go and moving on with your life. Living in the past will leave you living behind everyone else.

    You'll have plenty of time to find true love. Just don't rush it and don't expect it at such a young age.  

  2. yea about 5 times

  3. Everyone has been heartbroken a time or two.  It's no easy task, but we all over come the situation and life goes on.   NO it doesn't feel good to be hurt.   but you deal with it .  One day at a time. There's going to be lots of situations that you will be dealing with in the next few years.  Remember always respect yourself, and remember what you have been taught and that there's no need to grow up to fast.  You will mature and grow with every year and don't do anything stupid. Enjoy your teenage years, one day at a time.  RESPECT YOURSELF.GOOD LUCK!  

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