
Have you ever had your house blessed by a priest & did it help any?

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I mean...have you suspected ghosts etc. in your house and then they went away after the blessing...or did it "stir them up"?




  1. You don't need a priest, Just some white sage or a sage bundle from your local New Age shop. Light sage bundle or burn sage leafs on charcoal in a burning bowl. Start at the door and move clockwise around each room. Make your wishes known using prayer or chants, such as, Bless this house and cleanse it from all negative influences. In the name of  God. Amen.

  2. nope.

  3. Yes.. We did ... it  got worse so we just moved...

  4. yes, when a house is blessed it expels all evil spirits and stays that way. but the good souls are always going to stay behind. But, alas, people do this for their own selfish needs and want the good ones to go away as well even though several good souls can protect humans and may be relatives.

  5. I just recently moved from a house that I had to have annointed. No priest though. I had several "occurences" and felt the need to do something. Whatever it was didn't hurt anyone but while we were remodeling I was "alone" during alot of it but always felt like I wasn't. Does this make sense? Anyway, I heard kids calling, mine were at school at the time, on several occasions, and other things out of the norm. Also, our ceiling fail for no apparent reason, and water lines busted, that were brand new. My mom had oil and annointed my home with it. I never had any other problems from then on. I found out my house was built in the 50's and was used during the war for families in the military. Pretty interesting, but there's no telling what kinda things took place. I don't really think the "whatever" were ghosts or demons, or whatever, but maybe lost spirits?

    Hope this helps you out, and unless they are scaring or harming you, I wouldn't worry too much. They might be helpful!

  6. my grandmothers house was blessed and all the activity stoped

  7. My house was blessed Years ago when there was alot of supernatural activity going on .....It did not help for long.   I even had someone come in & channel to find out who was in the house than she did a clearing.....It helped for awhile.  What did the trick was I burned white leaf sage off & on for many days on end.....that was many years ago.    To this day I burn the sage & smudge the entire house at least twice a month if not more.

  8. When my dad married my mom again on Christmas (it was part of a ceremony) my uncle, who is a priest blessed our house by writing the names of kings above the front door. Ever since, the house has been much calmer.

  9. No, I never have.  Nor would I.  I'm no more certain of the existence of ghosts than of the existence of a priest's power to oust them.

    As you wisely said in an unrelated answer of yours, we shouldn't believe everything we hear.  As applied to this question, we shouldn't interpret every unknown sound or vision -- startling as it may be -- as evidence of a paranormal visitor.

  10. I have participated as an ordained clergyman with a group who blessed a house with strange phenomena.  The phenomena (child with nightmares) ceased.  

      I need to note that religion is not magic; faith can be strengthened and evil can be resisted.

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