
Have you ever hated someone so much that you went all panicy when you saw them?

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There are two girls who bullied me when I was about 11, and still to this day when I see them in the street or on the bus, I go really panicy, it feels like i'm about to have a panic attack. Once I was with my friend when I saw one of the girls and my friend described that my skin went very pale and I started shaking and stuttering my words.

UNFORTUNATLY both these girls are going to my college next year, and they haven't grown up a bit! If they are together and see me they still follow me and shout at me!

HOW am I going to put up with them in college?




  1. There is only one thing to do......................................... their asses!  you need to take a stand, or else they will never leave you alone.  Don't keep being a victim, take control of your life.  Bullies seek out people who can be bullied and don't fight back, don't keep being that person.

  2. You should not hated.Prayer and ask the good lord to get the hated off of your heart

  3. No,  but i HAVE got really angry when I saw them - until I realised that my reaction was hurting me more than them - I learned not to give way to feelings of anger and hold my head up high, as this way, I was NOT allowing them to "win" as I was not being a victim of them any more.

    Let someone in authority at the college know who these people are - they may be able to help calm the situation before things reach boiling point. By the way, these bullies may not be in the same classes as you, which means they might not even be in the same BUILDING so you may never see them, so try not to worry too much. Also, if you're still in contact with your parents, tell them about your worries too. Youl'll find them a real source of support and help.

    Maintain contact with your friends and ask for their support if things go wrong. Even better try not to let the bullies see theyre getting to you, coz each time they see they're upsetting you it gives them the green light to continue with their childishness. Walk around with your head up high and let them see you've moved on, even though they haven't. DO NOT under any circumstances, drop your plans to go to college. This will just convince them that they're right in what they do, and they'll carry on.

    I was bullied from the age of around 5, and initially let this affect my life. 39 years on, I have a family who love me, and i love them, I'm studying for a career that I really want, and I feel better about myself than I have in years!! If I can do it, then I'm sure you can if you believe in yourself.

    Good luck in your studies, and in the rest of your life!!

  4. if your going to college next year, im guessing your about 18

    sooo....if those girls bother you again

    call the cops/press charges

    they're adults now who need to learn how to

    "reap what they sow"

    good luck:D


  5. I was going to say, not hated, but afraid of  people I have known.  You are wiser now, DON'T LET THEM GET TO YOU - try and ignore them - bet they are jealous of you.  Good Luck, YOU CAN DO IT!

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