
Have you ever heard, "I don't want to work too much overtime because it will jeopardize my Govt. Assistance."?

by  |  earlier

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Many of us Americans are hearing this type of attitude.

We feel there is a growing number of people that see the Government as a giant cash giving entity and certain people want their piece.

This is about the ineptness of Socialism. As we see more Socialist Government programs, I am thinking we will see more of this motivation to not achieve.

So, what do we do? Politicians on both sides know it is career suicide to take away those programs causing the National Debt. They also know no one wants to hear about more taxes. The "Rich" are pushing the 50% tax rate and they are not going to invest their remaining 50% in new industry.

Big Oil (some people call Evil Big Oil) is actually paying the government more in taxes than it is pulling in as profit. In a way, Big Oil is already working for the government.

We pass a higher Minimum Wage and business owners lay people off. We pass higher business taxes and businesses move to other countries. We impose tariffs and our cost of living increases.

So, what do we do?




  1. That is a true statement. If you for instance are on ssi disability, you can't work like more then a little bit or else you will indeed loose your ssi. Unfortunately many people use this to be lazy and not work at all, while s******g the government. The welfare system needs a major overhaul and should never be a way of living for the rest of your life. Of course I do not mean this for truly disabled people, but for the cheaters of welfare fraud. I'm sure you have seen many people in say like a grocery store with food stamps or wic coupons that can certainly work.

  2. Stop spending all our money on wars idiot.  That is where the debt comes from.  Social programs are sliver of the pie; an underfunded one at that.

  3. I hear that a lot to be honest. We need to revamp the Welfare and Government Assistance programs to do exactly what they were made to do. Be TEMPORARY bridges for when people really need assistance. They should not be crutches for the lazy for generations. They are supposed to be stop gaps.

  4. It's funny you say that. I have a neighbor who is disabled and can't work but he can get drunk and run from the cops when they show up. It amazes me what people get by with. Half the people on my block live off the government and not a one of them need it, they are capable of working and making their own money but enjoy drinking and drugs to much. Then you have the ones who like to evade taxes... Making minimum wage go up is only making it harder for the ones who make a decent living when everything goes up along with it.America is about money and I think that will be our down fall. People shop in other places because they get a better deal, Americans don't want to lower their prices because it means less money in their pocket. I read a blog once about how the business owners thought it was horrible for a customer to ask for a discount on something, they went on and on about how sorry these type of customers were and that if they couldn't afford to pay regular price they didn't need to be there shopping. A discount is likely to make that person a repeat customer but they fail to realize what loyalty means. I think to many people are being taught by the book. That's like the girl who owned a bar and had a special and tacos, the tacos brought in 10 times as many people than a normal night but she couldn't sell the tacos any more because she wasn't making money on the tacos. She never stopped to consider that without the tacos she would lose most of the drinkers that night along with thise profits. We need to teach common sense along with the books.

  5. Move to Canada. Our country sucks.  

  6. i've heard people not wanting to get bumped to a higher tax bracket...

    and i've heard older folks on social security have to limit their hours, because they have a limit they can make.

    otherwise the rest of your rant sounds bogus...  

  7. I don't hear that. I don't know anyone on the dole here right now. I DO hear people saying that they don't wanna work overtime because it'll bump 'em up into the higher tax bracket.  

  8. You vote Congress out of office. They pass and enforce the laws. They create the taxes, the wasteful spending, the demand for more from the taxpayers who have no more to give. Congress pads every good bill with so much garbage (aka Pork barrel padding) that no good bill has a chance to become law. Congressmen come along and agree to pass the bill along, but only if it is padded with things they want for themselves or someone who is paying into their campaign fund, and so it goes until the bill no longer resembles itself, and oftentimes ends up being the exact opposite of what it was intended to do in the first place.

    Welfare was intended to help people while they put down educational roots and economic roots, and got themselves squared away with a good job and an independent life, which should be everyone's goal. Welfare was to be short term, not a career. Other hand outs soon followed, it all seems good, unless you are one of the taxpayers footing the bills. And what about the taxpayers? When the state decides to lower income taxes, the county and city you live in will raise theirs so they can snap up that piece of pie. You can't get ahead.

    We need the following:

    Taxes capped at 10% at the Federal level. No loopholes, no itemizing, no personal write offs, done. State governments, 6% flat, capped and done.

    If Congress or state legislatures run out of money, boo hoo. I doubt it will. It's like all things, when a body of people are forced to live with less, they learn to spend more wisely and make do with less, taxpayers know this all too well, it's about time Congress learned this important lesson.

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