
Have you ever heard a ghost talking through your baby monitor ?

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Have you ever heard a ghost talking through your baby monitor ?




  1. no, but we have heard our neighbor's cordless phone conversations, so we had to change the channel on our monitor.

  2. no,... but sometimes i pick up signals from other baby moniters, walkie talkies and such..... but i saw a lifetime movie once when a guy would come in and steal babies to sell on the black market and the parents would hear him singing a lullaby through the baby moniter before he took them and it freaks me out, im so scared when i hear things and its never actually my daughter

  3. Yes, and it's terrifying.  

  4. I haven't. But this is called EVP. This stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Ghosts cannot usually be heard with the ear, but can sometimes be heard on baby monitors, or on recording equipment during playback.

  5. OMG..have you? That would be the freakiest, scariest thing ever to me...I would be running in there and bringing the baby in my room. I would be so freaked out..haha

  6. It's probably just picking up communication from other radios.

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