
Have you ever heard a single compelling gun-control statement?

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I've been learning as much as I can about guns, and thoroughly believe that guns are necessary to the security of the average citzen, by those guns.

Every day I hear compelling arguments on the pro-gun sides both logically, and statistically. Anti-gun arguments tend to be based on emotion, and skewed statistics.

I tend to have strong views on alot of things, and although I tend to feel more compelled from argument from MY side, occasionally, the opposing side just makes such an incredibly compelling argument that where I can do is shut up. This, however, doesn't seem to be the case for gun rights vs gun control. So much that I can't find a SINGLE true, compelling statement for antigun. The few statements that DO catch my attention, I find out are based on flawed-statistics.

I've never had an anti-gun person say something that left me speechless.

Humble me.




  1. There are no compelling Gun Control Statements, as you have already learned they are all based on emotion and fear and therefore lack any logic or basis in reality.  There are 4 types of people who support gun control in my opinion.

    1. Politicians and the Elitists( Hollywood types and Media) who fear being removed by the common man,  Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein, Rosy O'Donnell come to mind.

    2. The ignorant who tend to believe what ever the Politicians or Elitists tell them.

    3. Those who wish to ingratiate themselves with the Politicians and the Elitists and thus get a small amount of power for themselves

    4. The few misguided victims.

  2. here's the deal

    i agree with you, everybody should hold onto that right

    but one of my good friends is an anti-gun activist and judging from long heated arguments here is where the other people are coming from

    Some Americans are just overly paranoid. Did you ever hear about the police officer that shot a man because he was holding a brush and the police officer thought it was a gun? (it happened maybe a year ago i'm not exactly sure and it might have been some other obscure object) but the point is some people could not be trusted with guns, because they would go around shooting people because someone looked at them wrong.

    Then consider rush hour traffic. Come on? Your going to tell me you've never once considered getting out and pummeling someone? imagine what you could do with a gun.

    another thing is people committing suicide. Now i believe that if one wants to kill themselves that is their choice and they can do it. However when one doesn't respect ones own life they can become a huge potential harm for society. granted most suicidal risks are completely harmless, but there is always that one that might go on a killing spree just because they don't care.

    so in a sense i can see where some people are coming from and people do have a right to protect themselves and i do believe that buying a gun should be much less expensive, but it is a chance that some people aren't willing to make :(

    i heard one person suggest dart guns instead...

    i don't know what to make of that.  

  3. Nothing that made sense...of course that is your typical anti common sense.

  4. If we outlawed guns in America, then only outlaws would have guns.

  5. yeah, "you have to right to bear arms".... in today's world, its the worst verse in the US constitution.  

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