
Have you ever heard about "Ancient Hills"?

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I have seen some photos here :

and the question is what are these hills,that called ancient hills?




  1. Actually, these are found through out the Near East and are well known in Near Eastern Archaeology.  They are commonly referred as Tel's (which is why there are archaeological sites call Tel Amar, Tel...etc) and they had various functions in the past.  Most notably they were often used as foundations for temples and less often burials.  They vary in size depending on the function and size of the building and/or settlement.

  2. From what I know about this area, it was very frequently occupied by Celtic peoples. There are several well known hills very similar to these in the Great Britain area that date back to around 5000 years ago. They were Celtic hill forts used for various aspects of settlement. Because of the size of this one I would say it is probably not a hill fort, but most definitely related. There are many hills in North American that were built by indigenous people that are of a similar size and they were very often burial mounds, so that is most definitely a possibility. There was probably a river near by and the surrounding land early agricultural fields, this mound would most likely have tied in with a religious observance or practice.

  3. Award Winning

    "Ancient Hills"

    An Acrylic on Canvas painting of 24 x 30 by Sue Memhard

  4. WOW!  Those are some REALLY INTERESTING pics!

    Despite the part of the world (Iran) that they are found in, they look like they could be ancient Celtic mounds.  

    Look up "Newgrange" on the interenet.  It is the oldest known building in the world (approx. 500 years older than the pyramids of Egypt) and it is in Ireland.  Newgrange is uncovered, but the shape and apparent size is similar.

    Despite conventional history teachings to the contrary, Celtic mounds similar to this have been found in North America - notably at a place appropriately called "Mystery Hill" in New Hampshire - some of which go back as far as 500BC!  (You might find an internet search on "Mystery Hill" brings some interesting info, as well.)

    Although Newgrange is thought to pre-date the Celts by almost 2500 years - and nobody knows WHO built it - the Celts DO seem to have copied its style and functions in their own buildings which came later.

    There seems to be evidence that - untill the Romans, under Julius Caesar, defeated their main fleet just outside Gibralter in 55BC - the Celts were far more widely travelled than conventional history ever thought.  Their ruins have been found practically all over the globe!  Usually they are ignored or misinterpreted as something else, and only properly identified when examined by someone familiar with ancient Celtic handiwork.  

    I remember watching a show on one of those educational channels like the Discovery Channel or the Learning Channel way back before they became all about building custom motorcycles, doing extreme stunts, doing "dirty jobs", etc. - when they still really WERE "educational" channels -  about some naturally mummified bodies found in the Mongolian desert that were finally identified as Celtic.

    If they could make it to Mongolia and North America, I have NO DOUBT that they could have made it to what is now Iran, but was Persia back then.

    Perhaps these hills are Celtic mounds, or perhaps they were built by the unknown predecessors of the Celts who originally built Newgrange.

  5. Monarch has really given the definitive answer here, but I would like to add a thing or two to it. The general term "Ancient Hills" seems always to be applied to very old, geologically speaking, remaining bases of eroded mountains and, well yes, hills.... For some reason, folks who have lived with such structures in their geographic vicinity seem always to just accept them as a thing which mankind has always known about. When I did my graduate field work in the State of Hidalgo, very near the ancient Mesoamerican City of Tula, I was very careful not to let anyone know just exactly what I was looking for and trying to document.( I was then, and have been since, a Paleoanthropologist ) But in my travels, I met very many wonderful folks who's ancestors were the Toltec who had Tula as their capital city. Several times, young kids would catch up to me, here and there, and offer to sell me "Stones From Before", which alarmed me very much, as these "Stones From Before" were, in fact, the very things I was documenting and collecting samples of as part of my Master's work I was doing at the time. Once again, these very readily identifiable human tools and artifacts were referred to as just stones from before, just like "Ancient Hills" are also nearly always intimately associated with the activity of ancient cultures. Very interesting, if you consider the two terms and the association both referenced things have in common.

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