
Have you ever heard of EYE WORMS?

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My boyfriend has had problems with his eye for 4 days or so, went to the ER thinking it was an stye in his eye..they said it was pink eye...well his eye looks horrific! He calls me tonight and asks me if I have a weak stomach. He then tells me that he has been pulling 3/4" long clear worms out of his eye. Like out of his lower eyelid! WTF???? I have tried to research it and nada. He can't see to drive to the ER..and I can't leave my house to take him right at this moment...has ANYONE every heard of this? Please help!




  1. loa loa is often called "eye worm"

    Has he been to Africa?  However, it doesn't sound like that's what he has because you suggest that he has pulled more than one worm out of his eye.

    Here a wiki link:

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