
Have you ever heard of Roger Took? This is distressing.?

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This is a very long and very distressing article from The Spectator. It details how a respected art historian and curator, Roger Took, who has been convicted for paedophilia, and given an indeterminate sentence, is likely to be out in three and a half years, partly due to the testimonials of good character from friends and associates.

Radio 4's Woman's Hour article - it's harrowing to listen to his wife talk about the case.

Google him and you won't find a thing. It's not been in any newspapers at all. I hope it will be now that Woman's Hour and The Spectator have brought it into the light.




  1. I have just read the article on this disgusting creature,sorry but he should have his testicles cut off!!!this is the type of situation where the chair should be used!!!

    He is scum and filth!

    I feel sorry for his wife and step daughters,i hope this gets bought to light and everyone hears of his despicable behaviour and thoughts,he should never be let free,if it was my child this man would suffer!!!

    This man should be named and shamed,worldwide!!!it should be in every newspaper and on every radio and tv station.

  2. That truly is a most horrendous story chilling to the bone. it is the type of crime that makes you wish the death penalty was still in place. Families of these monsters are of no consequence,ignored  and forgotten Patricia Took is a very brave, courageous woman to tell her story she has my full admiration as do her children/grandchildren. I wish them well in the rest of their lives.

  3. From The Telegraph Book Review

    'You might not have thought much about the traditional way of castrating a reindeer. It is typical of Roger Took's eye for detail in his absorbing and almost encyclopaedic account of northern travels that he describes how to do it.'

    I don't know about you but I'd love to personally practice the above on MR ROGER TOOK.

    Someone should post a photo of him online - I have realised there is no way I would know him - even if he was sat next to me ...................................... makes you think !!!

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