
Have you ever heard of a phenomenon called "time slip"?

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What do you think about it?




  1. I had time slip the other day.My watch slipped off and time just slipped away.

  2. Yes, but time displacements are more common.

  3. The Human eye has a time specification.  From the moment that an object's image enters the eye, to when it is recognized.  For men it it 116 milliseconds.  Female is 100 milliseconds.  With 10 UV for both. (or is it the other way round?) All life on Earth are in a 10 htz bubble.  Sometimes these numbers are distorted.  As in my situation.  My Sight Evoked EEG has my Female eyes at 84milliseconds and 82 milliseconds, with a o.1 Uv.  Therefore when I tell my physician that I see things before others do,  there is a physical reason for this.

    Time slip?  Is when the physical brain puts the sensory information into something we can explain to ourselves and others.  No doubt you have ran into things that appear to be heat waves?  Gotten an idea from this effect?  Then because we are in this bubble, felt that time has moved?  When it is a real aspect of our own bodies to receive it.  I have a very scarry stories of this time slip...especially when more than myself is involved.

  4. Yes, I was familiar with the story about Versailles.

    I have included a link below about time slips.


  5. Akin to alcoholic blackout.

  6. there's so many mysteries to this world and to us that's one more of those it could be credible like theory of black holes or worm holes time travel but all on theory no evidence that's a little detail that sucks

  7. I've always been fascinated by it, ever since reading the account of two ladies who visited Versailles years ago, and claimed to have somehow gone back to the time of Marie Antoinette.  

    Here are some stories I found that you might find interesting, including the above story:

  8. I experience time slips daily.  They always seems to last about 7 hours and are frequently interrupted by my alarm clock.

  9. Heard of them, yes, ... believe in them.. not particularly .

  10. If you mean 'missing time', the closest I came to that was laying wide awake and sober in my bed at 12:30 A.M., and what seemed like 40 minutes later I looked at the analog wall clock and it correctly said 3:30. Without falling asleep, I had seemingly lost or jumped two hours--VERY odd. I was not on any medication, and have no explanation as to the missing time. This was about 10 years ago.

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