
Have you ever heard of a social worker and adoption agency being sued?

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Over a wrongful adoption? And do you think that it would change how some of these social workers are doing their jobs.




  1. Forty-seven year old adoptee Michael Chalek successfully sued due to a fraudulant (black market) adoption.  The adoption was annulled.


    You can go ahead and read from the link.  He gives the whole story with court outcomes.  His aparents were deceased when all of this went down.

  2. Louise Wise Services (a premier agency in New York) closed its doors a few years ago in the wake of more than one wrongful adoption suit.  The most important case was Juman v. Louise Wise Services.  The adoptee was severly mentally ill and the aparents wanted his parents' records.  After a mulit-year fight, the records were unsealed.  His birthmother had been institutionalized and lobotomized.  His birthfather was also institutionalized.  They were both patients at the same institution when she became pregnant.

  3. i tried to sue a worker and the agency because when my daughter was placed for adoption it was the social worker who i was dealing with who adopted her and i later found out from one of her co-workers who has now found a new job working at the board of education that she targeted me from day 1.  Apparently her and her hubby had been trying for a baby for many yrs and wanted a baby and i came along pregnant and from that day forward she made it her job to get my daughter.

    Of course i found all this out later after the adoption was finalized when i couldn't do anything and when i tried to sue all the lawyers i had spoken to said i would never win cause they have too much government cheese.

    If and agency and worker were sued and the party suing won their case then it may change how they do their jobs.

    On a side note today happens to be mine and my daughters birthday, i wonder how she is doing, if she even knows about me and i wonder of the worker is taking good care of her, she is 9yrs old.

    *Happy Birthday Savannah*

  4. Yup it happens. There is a case here where an adult adoptee is suing the Alberta Government (they were in charge of her adoption), her adoptive mother, the hospital she was born at and the Dr. involved.

    I think that it is cases such as this that will get people thinking about the corruption in adoption. This woman was adopted many years ago but the same thing happens today.

  5. Sam,

    Carol Sandusky tried to sue a state adoption agency for giving out her info (not the same thing that you asked but . . . ) and she was told that she couldn't due to "sovereign immunity".  Most municipalities, states and governmental entities are protected by sovereign immunity.  Sometimes it puts a cap on what one could collect and other times, it is stretched so far that it is used as protection.  Soveriegn immunity does protect states/municipalities, etc so that they're not sued into bankruptcy but it also provides blanket coverage for anyone . . .

    i.e. School bus driver runs over 3 kids . . .if it was you or i who did that, we'd be sued for millions but soveriegn immunity puts a cap of $50k per incident.....

  6. I have nevr heard of that before. How awful.

  7. Probably not, since agencies provide lawyers to protect their interests (i.e their "commodity").  But if all those who were wronged in adoption (not those who regret, but those who were lied to or their rights were circumvented) were to join together in a class action suit that not only nullified the wrongful adoption, returned their children to them, and then provided them with money to cover their lawyer costs and or living costs, I think the world might then open their eyes.  I would think the prime cadidate for a class action suit would be LDS Family Services.  Evil, baby stealing, bastardos!!!!!

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