
Have you ever heard of animals (pets) haunting houses?

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Like when the pet dies and later the family moves away and the pet's spirit stays in or around the house..because it's buried there. Why don't we hear about more of these hauntings? I know that some people have seen their pets after they die. Do they move away too with their family?




  1. Yes pets can haunt their home. Shortly after moving to Washington state; I found my apt was haunted by a black and white cat that jumped on my med for a few nights. until I helped it progress and move on.

  2. yes, I have heard of such things, but I am not sure how much credibility to give it.

    As far as first hand experience, I have seen road ghost animals. Road ghosts being the ghosts you see when you get really tired driving at night and suddenly you see someone or something in the road, you stop or swerve, and realize nothing is there.

    I used to drive a lot as part of a job I did for 4 or 5 years and sometimes I had to drive through the night. I saw quite a few road ghosts. Many of them being animals.

  3. Yes, of this one I am absolutely certain. After my dog died, I felt her presence walk right down the middle of the floor I even turned around and watched looking to try to see what I was sensing as she walked past and as she passed I could smell wet dog fir. I was not the only witness to this it happened on a couple of occasions.

  4. Yes, I had heard numerous times.  There are legends and urban myths going all the way to medieval era.  For example in northern Bohemia is a castle, where owners had large group of monkeys.  After he died, these monkeys spread around and king’s army was called to hunt them down.  People say that you can hear the shriek of the monkeys and their ghosts will attack anyone, will attempt to stay in the ruin of the castle.  In southern Moravia, there is a dog that still after his death runs from one castle to another one, where owner had lover and used his loyal four legged friend for correspondence.  The gravestone of this dog is about 300 years old and it is according to legend the entrance to h**l.  It is believed, that the dog also guards the gates of h**l, so no bad spirits escape to the owner’s realm.

    I know only one story from my surrounding, when older woman had beloved dog, that she let run every day on her garden.  The dog scratching on the door indicated that he was done with its business and wanted to go back into house.  After the death of this dog, woman insists that she still hear that dog scratching her door at usual time, when she let him out.   I had pet that died recently from cancer, and it was the best and most affectionate pet I had.  But I have no indication that his little spirit is here.  

    Ghost seldom travel, they usually stick to place that had spiritual meaning to them.  Only if this meaning is specific item that could be transferred, they may move with it as well.

  5. a friend of mine her aunt tells this story often . her dog which she  had for 16 years died of old age . that was ten years ago

    she was in her back yard when all of a sudden the wind picked up so severely that the top of an old water tank ( which was galvanized steel ) started to move , the lady didn't no what was going on , then all of a sudden her dog ( deceased ) came running towards her , her reaction was to bend down and clap her hands on her knees calling bluey, as she was bent over the lid of the water tank came flying of like a saucer . if she hadn't of been down greeting her dog ( deceased ) the lid would have decapitated her . this is so true i swear

  6. THERE ARE NO GHOSTS, ANIMAL OR OTHER WISE!  To many of you are watching to many Halloween Movies! When you are in the ideal setting,your mind can conjure up most anything,therefore your Ghost is Born! There are however Demons,or fallen Angells if you please and you are mistaking these for Ghost! The Dead know nothing! Read your Bibles,for Heaven sakes!

  7. Yes.   One woman I know who lives in what used to be an old farm house told me that there is a ghost cat that she sometimes feels brushing up against her.   She also told about a human ghost which she has seen sitting at the dining room table -- a farmer who had been decapitated by a clothes line when riding his tractor.   She appears to be very serious when she tells me these things, and I have no reason to believe she is just making this up.   She is a very conservative person in other matters.

    I like your new avatar.

  8. Once i thought one of my dogs who got hit by a car was haunting my house.. After about a month or two she went away..  -shrugs-

  9. this is a weird thing

    they say there are more dog ghosts than human ghosts well people have seen more

    i think dogs to haunt there owners housers after they die

    kinda freaky

  10. I've never heard of pet ghosts but that's a really great question

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