
Have you ever heard of...?

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...someone who is/was a fruitarian? (Yes it is a real thing that I did not come up with. Read this:

I heard of it when I went to a dietitian about a month ago. She gave me a packet of papers on being a vegetarian. On one of the papers was a chart of different kinds of vegetarians and what they eat and exclude from their diets. On the chart, it included "Fruitarian." It said that fruitarians avoid animal products, and most vegetables. It said that they allow only fruits, legumes, grains, and certain vegetables. I read that, and then went on Wikipedia, which gave me a slightly different definition. But anyway, please answer my question.





  1. Yeah, I've heard of it. The diet is a little too extreme, IMHO; i mean..veggies dont have feelings.....

    This is a sample fruitarian meal plan:


    Large avocado with ½ tbsp freshly ground linseeds

    Large slice melon

    25g hazelnuts + 25g raw sunflower seeds

    500ml freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice


    Large handful mixed raw nuts & seeds

    2-3 apples / pears / peaches

    500ml freshly squeezed melon juice


    Nut & seed mix: 25g walnuts + 10-15 Brazil nuts + 25g pine nuts

    8-10 raw olives

    ¼ cucumber, sliced

    2-3 raw tomatoes

    Juice of 3-4 lemons


    Large handful cashew nuts

    2-3 apples / pears / peaches

    500ml freshly squeezed melon juice

    Evening Meal:

    ½ raw coconut

    8-10 raw olives

    ¼ cucumber, sliced

    2-3 raw tomatoes

    2 bananas

    Bowlful fresh berries (vary choice)

    Juice of 3-4 lemons

    Evening snack:

    Large handful mixed raw nuts & seeds

    2-3 apples / pears / peaches

    500ml freshly squeezed melon juice

    Bed time:

    2-3 passion fruits

    200ml fresh coconut milk

    Snack during the day :

    Raisins / sultanas


    Edit: I have never met a fruitarian in my life!

  2. i read about it a veghead book but i have never met one in real life, to hardcore for me ill stick with being vegan.

  3. Some fruitarians will eat only what falls (or would fall) naturally from a plant, that is: foods that can be harvested WITHOUT KILLING THE PLANT. Most fruitarians were evolved from the vegetarianism or vegan. Some trolls argue that even the plants possess lives, and if it is true, then only those vegetarians & vegans are there to follow you.

    “Genesis l:29 (Behold I have given you every herb-yielding seed. To you it shall be for meat) to mean that Adam and Eve were fruitarians in the Garden of Eden”. Therefore it was the God’s perfect plan.

    The reasons for being fruitarians in modern era


    ***Ethical reasons

    (A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. ~ Leo Tolstoy )

    ***Disciplining all senses

    (Fruitarianism frees a person from all bad consequences of cooked food addiction, and 7 other “deadly sins”)

    ***Even plants posses lives (or soul).


    ***Global Warming


    ***Dominion and exploitation over the weak person/beings.


    (I has been proven in most of the cases that a fruitarian diet can actually enhance your immunity and make you more resistant to common infections and diseases)

    ***Spiritual, Conscience, Intuition

    (Promoters of fruitarian diets, say that fruitarians’ diet actually enhance the emotional well being and give you a sense of spiritual bliss since the strict fruitarian diet is seen as a diet that causes no harm to any living being whatsoever)

    ***Non-violence (Ahimsa)

    (Love, care, mercy, compassion and peace UNCONDITIONALLY to all beings).

    *** Raw Foods Increase Energy

    I aware this is V&V section not fruitarians, but pls do not thumb this down.

  4. I've never met a fruitarian in real life, but I've read about the diet.

  5. It was mentioned in the movie Notting Hill,

    It sounds like they believe that vegetables and fruits have feelings just like animals and so they will only eat what has fallen from a tree or bush, etc.

    I'm not sure what else they do or don't eat but it sounds like a lot of work and I'm just not that paranoid haha.

    Hope that helps,


  6. The basic rule is they don't eat any plant that had to die to feed them. I don't think many of them think plants have feelings. Fruit is the gift of the plant. Animals like our selfs help spread seed by eating fruit. This isn't true when you kill a plant.

    I've knew a few but most go back to being vegetarians/vegans after a few months on the diet.

  7. Gandhi was a fruitarian for a while, but had to stop because it made him sick (let's be realistic here - a fruitarian diet is not nutritionally sustainable in the long term).

    A few other people have tried it but have either had to stop, or have died. Being a fruitarian today, however, is probably possible because of how many vitamin supplements are readily available.

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