
Have you ever heard of this?

by Guest56720  |  earlier

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The DMV says i have to go and retake my drivers test because the examiner who gave me the test is under investigation for irregular testing methods. Now i can tell you the road course i took and everything iw as required to do was standard. I want to know why they are able to do this and what is the strongest legal protest i can put up. I got my license in Pennsylvania




  1. I've never heard of that either, but I would be pissed - BIG TIME.  It's not your fault that the state hired a bozo - he should be punished, not you.  I don't know what you can do to protest, other than make a big fuss and let them all know what losers they are at the DMV.

  2. happen see a lawyer a probono one if money a issue just to get advice at end of day they want to make sure that you are a safe driver e.g the dmv operative could of overlooked, so i'd try for the "ive done the test and got my license" or why dont you observe my driving and if any errors arise due to said dmv worker they show you what to do and then re set the task of observing your driving" failing that complain big time to who ever you can town govenor local state runner head of dmv etc

  3. They are requiring the retest because they cannot be sure that the examiner took you through the entire course, and because there have been problems with the employee(serious problems). The examiner must have done something very serious for the state to step up and question his tests, so they have to be sure that you received the correct info and that you were tested correctly, that is why the retest is required. I don 't know that there is any legal protest you can put up, the state wouldn't be going to all this trouble if the employee hadn't done something pretty bad, this costs the state many thousands in investigation costs.

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