
Have you ever heard of throwing cooked spaghetti on the wall to test if it's done (it sticks)...does it work?

by Guest62227  |  earlier

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Have you ever heard of throwing cooked spaghetti on the wall to test if it's done (it sticks)...does it work?




  1. ya it works.

    I don't think you gotta throw it tho i just put it on the wall and see if it sticks

  2. It's a lot of work to clean up after, but, yes, it works.

  3. I've heard of it but thought they were joking!  Don't know if it works but I have five kids and when I think of the other things they might fling against the wall, I say "no way!".

  4. Yes it works but if anyone sees you doing it they will have serious doubts about your cooking skills.  If the outside is soft enough to stick to the wall then the pasta is cooked enough.  However this will not prevent you from over cooking your pasta because that will stick to the wall too.  The best solution is to follow the package directions and adjust for personal taste.  

  5. i heard it throw to the ceiling.  i prefer to just taste.

  6. Yes, Emeril does it!

  7. yup done it, does work. lol, we did it one time and the noodle stayed on the ceiling for a week.  

  8. it works, but it's a waste of a noodle.  just eat it to know.

  9. YES! I was at my friends house for dinner and they were making spaghetti and their mom asked if we wanted to test it to see if it was ready. She handed us both a strand and I was about to eat it when my friend chucked the thing at the wall. They laughed histerically when they saw my face.

    But yes it works.

  10. Yes, I've heard of it.  But my dad is from Italy, and when he found out about  it, he couldn't stop laughing.  He said it's a waste of a noodle.  He said best way is by taste, and personal preference.  I cook my pasta a little longer than the box says to, because I like mine slightly over-cooked.  

  11. yeh it works but have fun cleaning it..

  12. I have heard of it but as far as it working I'm not sure it's a science.

    You can throw spaghetti at the wall all day but it's not going to tell you if it is done right. If it sticks it just means that it is cooked enough to be sticky from the starch cooking out. It could be a bit under done or even over done and still stick to the wall..

    Use a timer or just taste it that the best way in my opinion.  

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