
Have you ever heard of your eyes getting better even if it only a little bit?

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I have very bad eyesight. It has gotten worse for years. Then about six years ago it stop getting worse and stayed the same. Last year at my eye appointment I was once again slightly worse. I didn't bother replacing my eyeglasses since I only use them at home and just got the new contract prescription. Well, I just came home from my appointment this year in shock. The doctor says my eyes have gotten a little bit better. Not only is my old contract prescription too strong so are my eyeglasses which were weaker then my contracts. I asked how common this was and the doctor said not common but not really uncommon either. Basically it happens sometimes. I have never heard of eyesight getting better even by just a little bit.

He said it probably explains the headaches I have had lately. I use to get a headache once or twice a month but the last few months have been every day or every other day.

He also said it may be a result of me finally listening and getting a pair of glasses for home. I use to wear contracts 24/7 until a doctor got a hold of me and gave me a detailed description of what I was doing to my eyes.

Anyways have you ever heard of such a thing?




  1. It is actually somewhat more common than your eye doctor has led you to believe. However, the most common explanation is most likely not the reason for your improving vision. Most frequently people who are near-sighted when they are younger will actually go through a period of there vision improving as they become more far sighted with age, as nearly everyone does. In your case the most likely scenario is that because you have been wearing your glasses at home you are not putting the same amount of strain on your eyes by keeping contacts in at all times. This builds strength in your eyes and improves your ability to focus. (I worked as an optician for a few years)

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