
Have you ever heard that being cremated makes you go where ever you're going quicker?

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I was told this years ago and always wondered about it. How would they know anyway?




  1. No one would "know".  Anything about what happens after we die is just what people guess at and believe.

    I had never heard this about cremation, but it does go along with something I came to myself.  I wondered if it is possible that the soul or spirit might not leave the body until it decomposes, or at least decomposed to some level.  It's all guessing since we have no idea what binds a spirit to a body in the first place, but I have come to believe that if the body does not decompose or in some way get broken down the spirit might be trapped inside it even after death.  If this were true then I could see where cremation might let the spirit get out faster by completely destroying the body very quickly.

    What originaly led me to this was the very creepy feeling I always got when I'd go to the science museum and into the room where they have a real 5,000 year old Egyptian mummy.  While the museum is full of dead animals of all sorts and even some exhibits with actual parts of human beings preserved this is the only room I find unsettling.  I could never shake the feeling that when I look at the mummy it is looking back, and even like it is being tortured.  After many visits I started to wonder if possibly the Egyptians may have accomplished their purpose with the mummies.  The idea was to preserve the body so the person could use it in their afterlife.  So what if by preserving the body so well, the spirit remained bound to until it is destroyed?  It has struck me as such a horrible thought.  Is it possible that this person's spirit, their soul, has been trapped for 5,000 years in a body that they can not move?

  2. Hello Deenie

    The spirit aspect of the person has left the body long before the cremation, so the method of the bodies disposal will have no effect on the spiritual selves travel back home.


  3. No body could ever know for sure. The big ? is  cremation aginst god there is nothing in the bible about it.

  4. never heard it... and that is ridiculous. old wives tale.

  5. well I haven't heard of that before.

  6. Cremation causes it to take a little longer to get where you are going.  Those who aren't cremated are just loaded into the hearse and taken to the cemetery.  Cremation is an extra step which takes at least an hour, I would think, for them to get the body burned and the ashes cooled, collected and into an urn.

    Hey, cool and collected!  I like that.  But it does take a little longer.

  7. i havent heard that but this is what i know.. being a Hindu, we cremate everyone and anyone who dies.. the only person in my family we did not cremate was my previous dog sofi.. we were planning on doing so but then decided to just bury her at my backyard so she will be 'close to home'. the reason Hindu's believe in cremating is because we believe the souls are let free when cremated. we believe that when you bury someone, their souls gets stuck under. i respect and love and follow most of the Hindu and Indian traditions. However, i believe that all souls are free after they die unless they do not follow the light. i also do not believe in h**l but i believe that you can live in your own h**l. meaning, i dont believe theres a place burning hot after you die where your body aparts are chopped off and where  you are constantly burning. instead, i believe that you are always shown the way to the light. if you do not follow it, you will be lost and stuck here. i also believe that ppl who are depressed are living in their own h**l. they can get themselves out of it.. just like what i learnt from that experience of mine.. love can heal ANYTHING. they just have to learn to love.

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