
Have you ever heard that putting a (miniature)pyramid under your chair is supposed to have some effect on you?

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(Quit laughing!) Really..someone had me do this one time and it did seem calming or something. I know some of you will say it's imagination or power of suggestion.Anyone else have any ideas?




  1. The Halo of Energy Pyramid has a crystal sphere that sits atop the pyramid to represent the absolute state of zero from which all energy manifests. Under the crystal sphere there are fourteen color lenses that can be inserted for different energy vibrations. The model shown has a Spiral Cosmic-Ray Receiver that spirals the energy into the pyramid and amplifies the overall effect. This should be oriented toward the west. On the fourth ring down, as shown in the photo, is an energy device called a Spiral Accelerator – a nine revolution spiral that can be flipped over for either left, or right-handed vortex energies to heighten or calm the energy. The different colors that can be inserted into the crystal sphere have different wavelengths; shorter, longer, -- having a calming, heightening, or creative sensation ….. but overall they create a blissful state of being. The Pi-Ratio (meaning "One") Receiver (shown on the Cube Pyramid) can also be added to this pyramid and oriented toward the east. This five ring halo pyramid can be suspended over a chair or bed and used for meditation, enhanced dream state and creativity. Comes pre-assembled.

  2. "Pyramid means “fire in the middle,” like the fire in the middle of a person that is love. I believe that the pyramid acts a transmitter/receiver, an antenna and an amplifier of prayer, like the crystal in the original radios."

  3. Yes people have built pyramids (wooden structures) over their beds...i saw an experiment years ago, where they built a pyramid structure and put fresh fruit under it... then put fresh fruit next to it..(without the pyramid) and the fruit under the pyramid stayed fresh much longer.....its meant to give you longer life.....

    EDIT yes just like in the above link...many people sleep with them over their beds, though ive never tryed it...i have a square structure over my bed..

    EDIT great link Boworl,

  4. It is believed that pyramids hold great power, and amplify things. For example, go to a local psychic & mystic shoppe and you'll often find these small little glass pyramids you can buy that come with a little door, and you are supposed to write a wish, spell, or other incantation and put it in the pyramid to "amplify" it and therefore increase the chances of it coming to fruition. There are some people who have build pyramid-shaped containers that they meditate in to connect to a higher power and amplify their work. There is plenty of reading online about the power of the pyramid!

  5. Mythbusters did an experiment on this and disproved it. Its a bunch of bogus.

  6. I have an idea that the Egyptians were on to something there.

    Even cats and dogs like it and mold and fungi are repelled. People have a positive energy feeling. Go to the site and read on.

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