
Have you ever heard this eerie NASA recording before? (Do not watch if easily frightened)?

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This was a strange that NASA picked up during the first moon mission (Apollo 11). WARNING: Do not watch this if you're alone with the lights off.

Skip to the 9:01 minute mark, that's where it starts:

And then the second half is at the beginning of this video:

Isn't that the eeriest thing you've ever heard? Was there an explanation for this?




  1. That wasn't eerie or scary at all. It sounded no more scary than the sounds I hear when I'm tuning a radio on medium wave.

  2. BS.  that's what it all is!

  3. That's what it sounds like if an astronaut has gas in space.

  4. It was a weather balloon...screaming.

  5. Most of it is clearly faked, and the rest is cobbled together from unrelated items.  A "secret" NASA channel, broadcasting in clear speech? Oh, really!

  6. no i have not heard this one... but there have also been 'strange transmissions' from i believe, saturn...

    first you need to realize, you can't see all light, there is only a very slim specturm we can see with our eyes... the rest has taken machines to find/detect... one of these forms is radio waves.... this stuff is splattered all over the universe, billions of diffrent bodies emitting this stuff..... the unvierse isn't quite so 'universal'.... we're bound to find strange things if we look hard enough.... this is one ofthem...

    that's my best guess.... but as they say, reality is always stranger then ficition..... fiction would tell us these are communications from aliens, so what's stranger then that? lol...

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