
Have you ever heard this expression?

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Have you ever heard the expression "Happy as a ****** with a bag full of *****?" I think it may be cultural since I've only head it in the Black community, but GOD, how I hate it! I don't know about you, but I like mine attached to their source.




  1. Talk c**p, Spit Blood

    Cause and Effect

    You ever hear that one?

  2. Ive never heard that saying before...

    Its not even offensive to me...its just f*cking dumb

  3. No.. I have never heard that expression.. I think it depends of the cultural background.. black community is so extensive.. they are so different.. I can say there is not just  one community.. there are many ways to speak.... they are from different backgrounds.. you can't generalize them..

  4. I'm sorry, but i just can't stop thinking about all those poor g*y guys walking around without a p***s.

    It's downright heartbraking.

    Wipes tear from eye :{

    The black community. HHMMM.....

    How about happy as a ****** in a patch full of watermelon?

    I knew the censors would blank it out so I beat'm to the punch!


  5. LoL

    No I have not heard it.  But I think it is the funniest thing I have heard all morning!!!


  6. no i have never heard that one.

  7. i've never heard of it, but i think its hilarious =))

    is a f****** really that happy when he has a bag full of d*icks? :)...

    no offense...JK, am g*y myself.  

  8. I never heard it but my goodness that is awful. My step father was black (RIP) and he would never say something like that.

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