
Have you ever hit rock bottom

by  |  earlier

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When, how?

How did you get 'back up'?




  1. Yes, Im still there.

  2. several times

    initially slept a lot wept a lot

    then just did what i had to do to try to survive

    times id tell myself that if **** wasnt better in a given time frame i could always just top myself and oddly enough it seemed to take the edge off enough to make it through (i am in no way advocateing that approach for others)

    keep telling yerself just make it to tomorrow .. and of course tomorrow never comes

  3. Yea between hurricane katrina and being heartbroken from my first bf.

    i had family around me to help but i was still out of place and sad. I guess i got out b/c of God and his mercy, my family and i just picked up the pieces everyday.

    Now the break up with my ex was sooo horrible. I mean i just wanted to die but i just surrounded myself with good people, talked my feelings out and cried about it. Plus i realized that he was a piece of s*** and i just moved on with my young life. Now im happy :]

  4. Couple of years ago now, none of your business how.

    But my advice is drink massive amounts of white cider and ignore everything.

  5. When my child was born , my post-natal depression was so severe, I wanted to die. Everything seemed pointless, I felt ill inside my head, and couldn't connect with the baby. I was weepy, paranoid and jealous of the attention she got from her father and the family. With loads of patient support from everyone around me and a little help from the doctor, I finally moved on and started the next chapter of my life. It was really frightening while it lasted because it's the nearest I evergot to losing my mind

  6. yeah....

    have u seen those icon picture things that say.. "i thought i'd hit rock bottom...but today.. it's like there's rock bottom, then fifty feet of c**p then me.."

    sorry.. hehe i just think that's so funny........ & it exactly describes how u feel sometimes too hehe.  

  7. i thought i had, but it was a false bottom...:(

  8. yes, atleast 5 times at very different times.  Makes me cry now just remembering almost.

    I got back through time and rest really. no simple solution, except rest.  Rest cure all for the time period.  A lack of rest causes more distress than ever.  A sleeping problem would cause a some serious depression.

    I believe computers caused me neck pain when I sleep and that keeps me from getting good sleep and I feel depressed a lot and tried... and I can't seem to socialize near as good as I used to when I was younger.  :-(

  9. I've hit the bottom 3 times and I'm not sure which of the 3 was the worse.

    First time I was suffering from severe depression; I got back up by voluntarily admitting myself to the Priory in Chelmsford where the staff taught me how to cope and get myself back up.  I was in for 5 1/2 weeks and paid for 10 days myself.  Fortunately, BUPA paid for the rest.

    Second time was when my husband left me and really hit the deck.  I used everything I had learnt in the Priory to help me through this.  He did actually come back 5 months later.

    Third time was the following year when I went on a really big downward curve and felt suicidal.  Again I admitted myself to the Priory and spent another 5 weeks there.  It was beneficial and I still learnt more but not as much as I had the first time.

    Since my last stint in the Priory 4 years ago, I have left my husband and I now work full time in a quite demanding job which is something I never thought I would achieve, but it's been a long road, and just when I thought things were going really well something has happened in the last week which is knocking me back a bit.

    How did I actually get back up??  By setting small goals and by learning what things in life I enjoy and work for me.

    I've done lots of things that I don't think I would have done had it not been for the depression.  It has pushed me in directions I'm sure I wouldn't have gone in otherwise.

  10. I was at rock bottom and my mum pulled me out of it it was a couple of years ago and i was sleeping on the streets.[my dear mum RIP]

  11. Yes I have and it was a long way down, I started my climb back over 8 years ago and I am on  a safe ledge at the moment.

  12. Hi, I think everyone feels like that at some point in their life.  And for everyone there's different methods to feel better, depending on what's brought you to that point.  

    In general terms you can't beat taking general good care of yourself like staying away from booze and drugs, getting good sleep, eating well and exercising.

    Most people know instinctively what makes them feel better, or worse, and sometimes when we're down we're tempted to keep doing the things that make us feel worse.

    Just know that we're all human, many people out there can empathise with how you're feeling and address the specific things that have brought you down or are keeping you there.  Hope things look better for you soon

  13. Am there at the moment but am lucky to have support at work and home which is helping me to get back up. Am trying to balance the need to work and spend time with my family with space for myself to recharge my batteries.

    I wish you all the best. Get what help you can and use it.

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