
Have you ever hurt your parents unintentionally?

by  |  earlier

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How and how did you fix it?




  1. I don't know your age, but I hurt my parents when I was young, older and older.  If we hurt ourselves, we hurt them.  Be kind to yourself, stay out of trouble, and make amends when necessary.  Then after you say what you did and your sorry, mean it and let it go.  

  2. When I was younger I told my father that I hated him. I actually don't even remember what the argument was about or how we fixed it, but I will never forget saying those words to him. I know we got over it, because I doubt my Dad even remembers it, but I still feel guilty about saying it.

    Looking back now, I probably overreacted to some stupid thing that my Dad wouldn't let me do or get. If the same thing happened today, I would tell my parents that I was sorry. If it was unintentional, tell them that and let them know that you are sorry (which I'm hoping you are since you're asking the question). Your parents may be disappointed in whatever you've done, but they love you and if you are sincere, they should forgive you. It may take sometime to mend the bridge, and you may never forget it, but it's much better to deal with the issue right away then to prolong it.  

  3. Yes, I was mad at my dad, and told him a very disturbing truth, i made him cry, and that is the worst thing you can witness. In the end, I went into his room and just cried for so long , telling him over and over that I was going to change, and never do anything to hurt him again.    

  4. I think everyone hurts their parents unintentionally at one point or another. All you can do is apologize and tell them that you didn't mean to hurt them. As long as you acknowledge what you did was wrong they will forgive you.

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