
Have you ever invented anything?

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Have you ever invented anything?




  1. 2 games in school ,board game and a really wild ballgame! lol

  2. -Yes, a sandwich I like. =)

  3. Nope :(

  4. I try to invent new food, haha!

  5. i invented invisibleness . x

  6. I created a very crude and simple rag doll.  Because it was so primitive, I called it the Neanderdoll.  However, it didn't sell very well.  So I tried making a smaller version with a refrigerator magnet attached to the back.  I called that one the cromagnet man.  It didn't sell too well either.  That's when I figured that handcrafted dolls and figurines weren't my calling.

  7. I invent about 3 things a day, but can't be bothered to go through with them as they are all rubbish.

    The last one was 2 hours ago. Get a device that has a finger on a wheel, then put it next to a floating sign in a shop. (maccie d's, etc.) You are far more able to notice the promotion sign if it is moving. Well, that was my idea. I have loads, but they are all pants!

  8. I THOUGHT I had. I was six and learning to multiply numbers. Saw a pattern in the numbers and invented the multiplication table. Was rather dismayed to find that it was old news.

    When I was even younger, I tried holding our bathroom scale upside down over my head, so that my palms were pressing on the place you stand. I figured that was the way to weigh the earth: The earth was standing on me and I was standing on the scale. Upside-down, true, but I didn't know how scales and gravity worked.

    By a strange coincidence, the entire earth weighed about the same as our bathroom scale.

  9. Sort of.  I once disassembled a tv and built a tiny battery operated toy.

  10. YES for the invention convetion in grade school

  11. oh, yea some really totally awesome pasta sauce that everyone who tries loves and i mean everyone, we call it Rocka Sauce

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