
Have you ever just felt....?

by  |  earlier

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sad--down in the dumps--but you really can't put your finger on what it is that's making you feel that way? I guess I need some words of encouragement to get me back on track--thanks!




  1. Yes.. I'm not really good with positive encouragement though.  You should just start drinking.. it will help.

  2. yes soemtimes I feel the same way "don't let yesterday take up too much of today"

  3. Spending too much time on the internet may connect you to other users, but in the end you are , and feel ..alone.. this can cause sadness..

    Get out and go sit on a patio, order up a cold drink and meet some friends. That should help!

  4. The gym is proving to lessing depression by up to 20%

  5. I get the same way.. bout once a month..

    PMS will do it to me every time.

  6. Pregnant?

    Get used to it.

  7. nope, never happened to me.  that must be difficult

  8. What I think is wrong with U take some time out go out kick it with girls,boyfriend or what ever do something to ease your mind but not DRUGS

  9. yep. Go do something to take your mind off of it.

  10. Definitely :)

    When I have those down days I just lie in bed and sometimes I cry. Once I've cried I feel better again. lol.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Youve gotta come to the startling realization of who you are. You are a beautiful, breathing woman!!! Look out the window and see the sun or the stars depending on where youre at, maybe even the clouds and realize that they are all beautiful! The natures and wonders of God. The little things in life, babies, laughter, friends, green grass that we walk through, cool water that we drink or swim in. The butterfly who brilliantly opens its wings and flys effortlessly in the breeze.

    If youre a mother. Remember those little eyes looking up to you, knowing that you are the greatest thing in the world!! Raising their arms toward you, wanting you.

    Can you remember your grandma? The support she would give you. The Christmas Dinners she would cook with the love and smile she had on her face?

    These are only a few, of the pleasures and memories of life....


  12. sometimes, you just have to cry for no reasons keep the hope alive

  13. Cheer up!

    Have a drink:)

    Go work out, exercise gives you endorphins;)

  14. as a matter of fact, i was feeling like that yesterday morning....but i said to myself, snap the h**l out of it....things could be worse, some people have it way worse....just went about my day, had things to do after i got off of work, focused on that and i felt better...think there is a nice long weekend coming along...cheer up!!!

  15. I could put my finger on some things that would, ahem, encourage you.  

  16. Sometimes we get thinking about what couldve been, might be better, want to do something different and those things can tend to bring you down. Life in general is difficult for most people mostly due to outside influences such as the the price of gas, need for more money, lack of affection, family pressures all of this tends to bring you down. The best thing you can do is to remember "they cant take my birthday away" Crack a smile and get a dog they see thru your soul and want to be with you no matter how you feel.  

  17. I get that way in the winter often!  When I leave for work it is dark and when I get home it is dark.

    Do something nice for yourself!  Manicure and pedicure, or a day at a spa (1/2 day if you can't spend the entire day), new hair cut, etc.......

    Tell your hubby you need a date night FAST! ! !  Go to a real nice restaurant!

  18. I don't do it with words, but actions......wish I could help!


  19. Yes I have alyssa, I know exactly what you mean.

    Usually what I do is I try to concentrate on something positive, fun, and productive. I know that's is easier said than done. Or I will try to go through and figure out what is making me feel this way, and try to correct it, or even just the simple act of finding out WHY you feel this way is enough to help you put it behind you.

    As for encouraging words, the only ones I can suggest is "Tomorrow is another day" I tell myself this. I know later I'll go to sleep and wake up, maybe I need more sleep, I might be exahusted, or have a lot on my mind. I may need to go home and maybe  talk to someone about my feelings and then go to sleep and when I wake up I won't feel like this.  

  20. I have experienced the feelings your describing most of my life, it use to just ruin my day.  I found that on the days I felt that way, I would go round up and nieces and nephews and take them to the park.  Children's laughter I must admit will lift your spirits, it does not matter how bad you may feel.  Now that I have my own children, I find them as my saving grace.  Your a very beautiful young lady, so get out side and walk to the park, watch and listen to the little ones and you will soon find a smile on your face.  Good luck.

  21. only you can change your thoughts. we have about 5k a day. so write down your feelings and move on to the next moment. just except that your feeling bad and know that its just a feeling and it will pass soon.

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