
Have you ever known, met, or personally known royalty?

by  |  earlier

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How were you able to know them,and do you still know them now? Do /did you like them as a person?..why or why not?

Have they ever done things for /with/against you?

and why?





  1. The Queen Opened Hatton Cross Station once,  and I was standing in the crowed.

  2. No but I went to Buckingham palace and saw how the queen lives. She (Queen Elizabeth) doesn't even rule, it's just a title. The Prime ministers sometimes have more power.

  3. yes,my ex-wife she was a royal b***h

  4. no

  5. One of my uncles, or one of my mums uncles or something... by marriage is an Indian Prince.

    But i've never met him. My mum has though. He lives in London. He's not overly rich and he's just a regular person.

    The queen came to my town once..

  6. Yes!!!...My Father he's Majesty the King..... (Jokes) never met personally but have seen passing by.

  7. Yes, I had a job for around 15 years which brought me into contact with British royals. It was a job. My preference would be to abolish monarchies and establish republics

  8. Yeah I've met a lot...  not a queen however, but Prince's, Princess, Duke, Duchess,  Marquess, Marchioness, Earl, Countess, Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, Baroness  my grandmother is a Duchess, my father is a Marquess (from my step mother - he was next in like to be duke, however, long story family don't like who he married...)...  

    and I love my Gram ta death!! lol ... so it was a good experience :D  

    However the thing to remember, is thats just a title... they are normal people, they have to put their pants on one leg at a time...  they just have a title to their name, and other responsibilities...  appearances need to be kept up, responsibilities and family obligations are a little nutz...  

    You do have to live your life a certain way, which is really outdated, but its just the way it is... hard to explain...   Anywho'z, I hope this helped whatever you needed the answers for :D

  9. I am royalty. My uncle is in rule right now but I like to live like a normal person.

  10. yeap! she's my best friend. we moved apart cos she had to go elsewhere to further her studies n all. but she's a sweet person. regularly checkin up on me and giving calls. she visits me once a month! n the funny thing is and surprising, only found out she was royalty two years after being inseperable friends with her!!

    and yeah i like her as a person. cos she never embraced her how would u call this? - royalty or power and whatever. she was humble. she hasnt done anything against me. shes pretty much anonymous. shes not even popular! shes really like an everyday girl next door

    but ive known other royalties.. who arent that nice to get to know. it really depends how they are brought up. some are really stuck up and think theyre all that but theyre not. theyre still humans i would say. see them how u would see anyone on the street

  11. im just wondering you want to mary prince charles?

    no offence


    i have met prince of scotland.

    he was one of my friends for several months... yes he was good to get along with

    yes i did like hime as i would any other

    yes he helped me build a school in tansaneya because he wanted to help kids

  12. i've met many queens... they wear waaaay too much makeup

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