
Have you ever known anyone that was possessed?

by  |  earlier

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Even just someone who was possessed but didn't know it. For example, you move into a new house that's haunted, and someone close to you starts acting different and strange and you can tell it's not really them. As if someone or something is controlling them and making them act different.




  1. yeah. a friend of mine during college was cursed by her fiance’s aunt, she apparently didnt think my friend was good enough for the guy. poor girl went through h**l, her parents cut off all contact with the guy, she didnt mind, she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. for about a year she would wake up in 3 / 4 in the morning screaming for no reason, very clearly possessed with something, & didnt remember anything the next day. she had to go to so many people in different countries till someone was able to un-possess / lift the curse from her. she's fine now, married to a good man.

    another person i know (kind of) is a guy one of my colleagues shares an apartment with (they're not g*y, just bachelors). he comes to work sometimes looking really exhausted, because the guy he lives with had an episode. the guy would be fine 1 second, then get up & run out of the room to tell "somebody" "something", then run back to the room to tell another "somebody" what the 1st one said, & goes like that back & forth all night. the guy doesnt even know he's doing it, nobody wants to tell him.

  2. It was a group of people.

    But I don't think they were possessed............

    maybe intoxicated.

  3. Well Honastly.

    I Met This Guy On Holiday, Ben and Traided MSN with him.

    and i was talking to his friend on msn, Immy and she told me to leave ben alone because he wasnt 'stable'

    she told me alot of things that would explain the ways he was acting on holiday.

    then she mentioned a name, i cant remeber what the name was because this was about a year ago but I Had Heard Ben say this name a few times before and just asumed it was a friend or a pet...

    then she went into detail and told me about ben being in a coma and things happening to not sure if it was a joke they were playing on me, but it all added up and i did sence some wierd things happaning around him, like one day, i think it was the day after i met him i was sitting with him in a cafe and his eyes kinda glaised over like when people arnt consontrating and the hair on my neck stode up on end and then he kinda screamed and then everything went back to normal, that was quiet wierd....

  4. Nope but i have seen people fake it .....LOL

    but its weird that people say i'm possessed LOL

  5. Possessed? No. Bat%$&^ crazy? Way too many.

    Most things taken as possession are, as others have said, mental illness of some form or another.

    Even in the Catholic Church, there is a VERY strict set of conditions that must be present to even consider a case as a possible possession.

    Not to say it doesn't happen, but it's extremely rare and should not even be considered when someone you know is behaving strangely. Get them professional help.

  6. you really should go to germany.

  7. I've known somebody who has been possessed. Her voice started to change and she kept on getting in a lot of trouble. If you suspect somebody might be possessed you can ask a pastor or priest to help you with the situation. You can also pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family with his angels and you can ask God to help you in this situation.

    Possessed persons are often dangerous so you need to pray for yourself and you need to get help for the person. Jesus Christ will protect you if you put your trust in him.

  8. Ok thats not Possesion exactly sometimes spirits mess with your emotions but you still have control now when you have no control at all and your controled by a demon then thats posession and it is possible I myself have known people who act weird around spirits but actually possesed no but i do belive its possible because i heard stories from reliable sources

  9. Of course yes. I havent seen but I think that my mom didn't really lie to me about her room mate. Well, more like...yeah room mate. She said it happened to her everyday around 5PM. And it's not a good person that posseses. Plus, mom said that she screamed when she touched her by hand. Unexplainable!

  10. Yes, myself. On multiple occasions...

  11. possession can happen to anyone and does not necessarily mean someone is mentally ill if u are a spirital person which i am then u believe in these things there is a life after death but some people are in limbo waiting for another chance at life to prove themselves to god.

    possession often occurs when there is an evil spirit a very powerful one which becomes fixated on the subject and wants to control or kill them or feels that this soul belongs to them and will often refer to the subject as "they are mine!!!!" this is no exaggeration the subject is often not in control of whats being said noises can come from them such as hissing or growling refer to themselves as the "keeper" or the guardian and say she or he belongs to my master and will talk in different tongues is or she is our forever and laugh or cackle and refuse to be defeated and will not know what happening  it can happen to those who have been involved in satanism and sacrifices of some kind or those that have been worshiping satan if you dont believe me go on youtube and listen to the possesed woman on the radio this will give u an insight into possesion if u want to be saved the only way is through jesus christ

  12. You mean mental illness?Yes,unfortunately I have.Some silly folks confuse the two.It's extremely damaging to the poor victims.

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