
Have you ever known anyone to be possessed?

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Even just someone who was possessed but didn't know it. For example, you move into a new house that's haunted, and someone close to you starts acting different and strange and you can tell it's not really them. As if someone or something is controlling them and making them act different.




  1. yes ive been possesed by demons, because i was week and hearth broken, so they kept on attacking me, until i sorted myself.

  2. The problem with the scenario you mention is that someone would be required to believe in possession and also would be a biased observer.

    In every single case of reported possession, the possessed individual acts in a manner consistent with his belief system.  If he's Catholic, he will be possessed by a demon and a Catholic priest will have the most luck exorcising this demon.  If the person believes in voodoo, then the demon will take on whatever behavior normally associated with demons in the voodoo belief system and only voodoo rituals will exorcise the demon.  A priest wouldn't work for the voodoo person and a voodoo spell/potion wouldn't work for the Catholic person.  I can think of only one viable reason for this--the possession is not real.  Whatever the cause (i.e. neurosis, stress, anxiety, etc.) the entire thing does not exist but within the belief system.

    What saddens me is to see mentally ill or misbehaving people labeled as possessed by backwards and superstitious people.  Such instances *regularly* end in the death of the supposedly possessed person.

    As far as ghost sightings go, they are more likely to happen if a person knows a place is "reportedly haunted" or if it's old and spooky looking.

  3. According to Hindu mythology people who have weak stars are the ones who can be possessed by spirits.

    Those whose stars (birth stars or planets) are strong are not troubled by spirits.

    They say that spirits always target those whose planets or stars are weak.

  4. I've known people that thought they were.Invariably,it turns out to be mental illness.Sadly,because of dark age superstitions like possession,many folks suffer needlessly.

  5. Well, a friend of mine used to play with the Ouija board a year ago and all of the sudden she started to convulse and babble something in a strange language, and they had to lock her in a mental institution for a couple months for her errathic behavior, and it was just until she got an exorcist visiting her that she came back to her normal self and she told me that some evil spirit had posessed her whilst playing with the Ouija, don't know if she was posessed indeed I just give you the facts.

  6. No never.

    Don't worry about the people you know getting possessed. hey are having great kicks out of feeding you their tripe. Can't say I blame them, I'd do it too if I knew anybody as gullible as you. It's all just a great laugh at your expense, but don't get too s**+**y with them when you do ind out that what 'm telling you is real. remember, you reject the truth but you rush to embrace witchcraft.

    How weird is that?

  7. ok  that i don't believe  a person can be possessed. i think these Church people are just making that up. that's just my opinion.....But, then again i could be wrong!

  8. No,but we will see someone possessed real soon.When hillary clinton looses the election to obama she will looked possessed with rage.

  9. Yes..and I believe you can be "used" by spirits etc. without being what people think of as "possession"..and that they can come and go.This can happen too to some people who think they're

    "filled with the Holy Spirit". They need to learn discernment. There's a lot of bad teaching out there.

    Edit...This question was recently on here. Check it out.;...

  10. No, ghosts, spirits cannot possess anyone.**

  11. yeah. a friend of mine during college was cursed by her fiance’s aunt, she apparently didnt think my friend was good enough for the guy. poor girl went through h**l, her parents cut off all contact with the guy, she didnt mind, she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. for about a year she would wake up in 3 / 4 in the morning screaming for no reason, very clearly possessed with something, & didnt remember anything the next day. she had to go to so many people in different countries till someone was able to un-possess / lift the curse from her. she's fine now, married to a good man.

    another person i know (kind of) is a guy one of my colleagues shares an apartment with (they're not g*y, just bachelors). he comes to work sometimes looking really exhausted, because the guy he lives with had an episode. the guy would be fine 1 second, then get up & run out of the room to tell "somebody" "something", then run back to the room to tell another "somebody" what the 1st one said, & goes like that back & forth all night. the guy doesnt even know he's doing it, nobody wants to tell him.

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