
Have you ever known anyone who is ?

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so intolerant that anyone and everyone's views are "wrong" unless it's that person's view? I'm not just talking about religious or political views, but EVERYTHING. For example, if a person happens to like sports, then that person is an idiot, or if they happen to like a certain kind of music and the "intolerant" one doesn't, then that person is just not right. I have to deal with a person like this, and it's very uncomfortable to be around him. I can't seem to make him understand that this world is made up of many different kinds of people with many different interests, and that's not a bad thing. What is wrong with a person like this, what would make him this way?




  1. no.

    tell that person to get out of their cocoon.

    treat their interests like they treat yours.e.g if they say what they like tell them you hate it not dislike and make it seem disgusting/ pitiful...oh my, i bet they would be considerate.  treating people as they treat you always work!

  2. Wow that's my Dad.  He's super negative and uptight because he's always stressed out and he's an alcoholic.  Him and my Mom are always in a fight and he has 4 kids he's working out of town for.  It's the way he's always been so I don't see him changing any time soon.  Trying to explain stuff to him only makes matters way worse.

  3. Yes! it's soo annoying. just tell him that everyone is entitled to have their own opinions, there is no right or wrong type of music, politics, religious views, etc etc. hopefully soon he will stop enforcing his views on others but until then good luck:-)

  4. Yes Amoreena I have come across individuals who behave as you have described in your post.  What is wrong with them?  It is my opinion these individuals think the world revolve around them.  They believe they are the center of the world, and they tend to be control freaks who can't lighten up and roll with the punches.

    These individuals mean well and believe there are certain standards of behavior, likes, dislikes and ethics everyone should adhere to.  These individuals are sad and lonely and they seem to be shouting for help by the way they act.  

  5. The people I have known like that are actually very insecure  and are frightened at the thought that they could be  considered wrong about anything ,as they think that that would make them "bad".

    So they have to make everyone else wrong to protect their egos,

    You can't change them and trying might just make them turn against  you for attempting to destroy their defenses.

  6. Yes - My father.  I am nearing 50 years old and yet I am not allowed to have my own beliefs, likes or dislikes if it conflicts with his.

    What I can't stand is the way he rolls his eyes and makes a face with disgust when my views differ from his.  (which is most of the time)  He is VERY hard to have a conversation with.  It breaks my heart because I know I don't have much time left with him and yet, I have to keep my distance for my own sanity.

    I wish I knew what makes him this way.

    "One of those women" is absolutely right in stating that they have control issues.  My dad tells me how to live, how my furniture should be arranged and has even gone so far as to assume I don't use a certain object and took it with making the comment "You don't use this - I'm taking it" - Which made my jaw drop!

    I realize I should say something to him, but the little girl in me is still afraid of him even after all these years.

  7. Yes,. I think most of us know a few like that and Lara is right, don't be confrontational with them. If possible, have a calm discussion about what you think and why you think it. No doubt, the person won't like your ideas either if they are not the same as his/hers, but you have the right to your ideas, right or wrong and so does everyone else. We even have the right to be wrong or stupid. It's a great country.

  8. This is a person that has control issues. They suffer from low self esteem which makes them have to be right because they know they may be wrong and that would tear down their false sense of security.

    The thing you do for a person like this is pray, and love them through it. I am talking about the 1 Cor 13: 4-8, love.

  9. Some people are egotistical and self centered, sometimes because they were spoiled rotten and never grew out of it or lived in an abusive environment or with a person who has mental problems. Sometimes being tolerant can be a good thing. It's up to him to broaden his horizons and become open-minded, but you can give him a push. Maybe your approach isn't working. Think about some other options.  

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