
Have you ever known anyone who was on the Dateline show "To Catch a Predator" ?

by Guest59668  |  earlier

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and did you ever get the uneasy feeling that Chris Hanson was getting off when he was reading the transcripts of the sexually explicit internet conversations?




  1. No,but I know a few that should have been,and yes Hanson is a bit weird,and he enjoys every minute of it

  2. You

  3. No, but they're every man i've ever spoken to on yahoo.  But I know a few people I'M WATCHING OUT FOR.

  4. Ricky, is that you?

  5. God I hope not!

  6. No I haven't and no I don't.

  7. Nah, only "the chosen one" have the authority to know one of the predators.

    And yes, Mr. Chris Hanson does seem a bit too excited to read the scripts. It's funny the way he says, "Have a seat.....".


  8. I know some that ought to be on the short list to get on that show.....real creeps and people I wouldn't let my children be around on a bet.

  9. <-----well on his way.






    Yeah and Chris seems oddly happy reading those.

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