
Have you ever left food on your plate cause someone else might be hungry sittin there? Or you want to save it?

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I have lots of times although i felt full I let hubby have what was on my plate or if he didnt want it i saved it for the next night. I hate wasting or throwing out food. Guess it was how I was brought up.I hate the feeling that someone could be starving and then I eat till i just begin to fill full and I quit saving the rest. Call me crazy but I feel this way.




  1. i eat everything on my plate...but if i cook a roast..usually i might have one meal of it....keep some for a sandwitch or two...then give the rest to the stray dogs.....they seem to enjoy it.....they keep comming back...i am living on my own at the who else can i give it to....seamanab x

  2. I'm greedy with my food but if I'm full and its something not worth saving I'll share.

  3. where i come from you always share all you have  to eat ,so as i have got older i would neve see any 1 go hungry i would give them all the food on my plate.

  4. I know what you mean, I hate wasting food too, it was how I was raised, besides if it's meat that is being tossed away I kind of feel like the cow, pig, fish, or chicken died for no reason,,, I know,,, I'm demented... So instead of throwing it out I feed it to the dogs... That way I won't feel guilty!!!

  5. Depending on the restaurant I always take the food away in a supplied container. In some cultures however this is seen as being a miser. I was in Holland a few years ago and my partner and I took his family out to dinner to a Greek restaurant.  Meat is very expensive in Holland and there was a lot left over. Rather than let it go to waste we took it away in containers supplied by the restaurant (who thought it was a great idea). However my partners family were embarrassed and ashamed of us. By contrast, on the same trip we were in Marrakesh in Morocco and having lunch in a cafe. A man at the next table had finished his meal, but there was still a lot left on his plate. It seemed to be a custom that rather than let the food go to waste they give it to the poor. A beggar was standing in the doorway, although a bit dirty, he was neatly dressed. The man beckoned for him to come in and finish the meal. The beggar sat down with all the grace and manners of a prince and finished the meal, savoring every mouthful. He then got up, politely thanked the man and stood outside again. There were several men outside the restaurant all waiting to do the same. I was really impressed! One persons trash is another persons treasure. So you are not crazy. Just order less or take it away.

  6. My ex-girlfriend used to make me leave something on the plate saying it made me look like a pig eating everything served to me.  Stupid, if I paid for it, I get to eat it all.  If I,m full, I box it up and save it for later.

  7. When ever I go out to eat I always get more than I need cause what I do is what ever I have not eaten I ask for a " doggy bag " and then I take it to a person who is homeless and give them the food. It may have cost me but in my way of thinking it's worth it cause I hate to see anyone go hungry.

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