
Have you ever left your home, family, friends for personal reasons?

by Guest58432  |  earlier

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I am thinking about it. I feel like i am missing something and I won't find it here. I want to travel, see America, the world. But i don't know if ill make it. Its so hard to find a job how would i support myself. I have some saved up but I'm still doubtful. Is there anyone here that feels or felt the same? If you have gone on a journey did you grow from it? or was it just sight seeing. I need help




  1. This is exactly what I did.

    I grew up in a small town in Illinois that never seemed to have anything for me - after school, jobs were very scarce and I felt stifled the whole time I was there.  I needed to get out on my own and make my own way somewhere else.

    I was single, no kids, and nothing was keeping me there except me, so I looked around the country for cities that would maybe be more suitable for me.  I moved away about 7 years ago, and I haven't looked back since.  It was incredibly hard, and I had to struggle like h**l to make it.  I had to sacrifice a lot, and I learned a lot of very hard lessons.  

    But it has all been worth it.  What I learned will stay with me for the rest of my life.

    Here's my advice to you: set your criteria before you do anything.  What size city are you looking for?  What kind of income do you think you'll need?  What is important for the town to have for shopping, jobs, theaters, museums, etc.?  

    Then get online and start looking at different cities.  Check out some of the information available about good cities to live in that is published by MSN ocassionally.  

    When you've picked out a few cities, find out what their newspapers and news stations are, so you can check them out online.  What's going on in the city?  What are the headlines?  What are local activities?  How is the crime?  What's the night life like?  Check out the classifieds for jobs, apartments, houses, etc.  

    One thing that's important: don't let any of your preset notions of a certain region prejudice you against a certain town that otherwise fits your criteria.  I ended up in Jackson, Mississippi, and I met the love of my life.  Had I just laughed it off like I intended to when it was suggested to me, I never would have come here.

    And keep in mind another thing: if you DO move and don't like it, you can always move again.  That was my mindset.  I haven't moved, of course, but I probably will someday with my husband.

    Edit: It took a surprisingly small amount of money for me to make this move, btw.  I moved shortly after I received my tax return in 2001, and (including deposits for utilities and apartment) I was able to move just fine.  I did not, however, rent any moving trucks. I had two friends with trucks and I rented 1 trailer for my stuff.

  2. I actually feel the same way. I'm in my late 20's.  I feel like all I do is go to school.  (Finally going to be done in 2 years.. and I'll have a nice well-paid job.)  I have decided it would probably be foolish to drop everything and travel the world.  

    You need to have a plan and money.  I went to Italy for a school trip 10 years ago.  We had a group leader who could speak English and Italian.  However, it was still a bit of a culture shock.  Plus there are a lot of things American tourists have to watch out for.

    My plan is to get established at my job, and then spend my vacations taking various trips through America and the world.  

    I guess what I am basically saying is that you think the grass is greener on the other side, but absolute freedom may not be as fun as you think.  Take the trips, but plan carefully.

  3. Good for you Manuel, I say go for it.

    I most certainly did the exact same thing! Its completely natural to have so many questions and doubts.  That's ok!

    Without question you should go see the world!  Do it! Your family, friends will ALWAYS be there.

    Go someplace where you really have an interest in. That way you know you're so overjoyed of being there, that you'll want to work twice as hard to stay.  If it doesn't work out and you find that you don't like it.  Choose another place.  That's the beauty of life, its yours and you should take FULL advantage of it.

    Good Luck!

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