
Have you ever lied about who you'll vote for?

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I'm a 20 year old college student who lives at home with two die hard Republicans. They think Barack Obama will run our country into the ground. I think Bush has sent it on its way there, and that the Senator is a chance for change. I am even volunteering for his campaign. If I said that though I'd probably find myself homeless.

I even read through policies from his website that I can't wait to happen and "agree" with my father and laugh about "How horrible that would be", just to keep peace in the home.

Have you ever lied about what candidate you support? Tell me how.




  1. My grandfather is a hardcore conservative. I'll never let him know I'm a die-hard liberal.

    Kellie that was a bit unnecessary plug.

  2. I used to be in your situation... I'm 28 and still a democrat and my parents are still republicans. I'll never tell them I am as they've taken being republicans very seriously their entire lives.

  3. Nope!

    Because you are 20 years old,and have been voting for the past 2 years,you are an adult and old enough to make your own decisions. I've learned that we tend to vote for whom our parents vote for. We tend to be Democrat or Republican because of our parents. As we grow into maturity,and find out for ourselves what voting is all about,and what it means to us,then it's not our parents who will decide for us any more. Regardless of if you are a Democrat or Republican,the choice became yours as to who you vote for when you became 18 years old.

  4. No , I am proud to vote for McCain/Palin. If you feel that you need to lie about your choice , you probably are not too sure that you are making the right choice.  

  5. I'm going to vote for McCain and Barbie. Now I have.

  6. thats funny...because when i was in college we got offered extra credit if we would go protest the president and the war....

    and i would have found myself without a decent grade if i argued too much....

  7. No.  I used to be a Democrat, at your age,  now I'm a Republican.

    My parents didn't agree with me; we'd debate - but not argue.  They now agree with me on everything.

  8. No, I don't recall ever lying about who I planned to vote for.  In fact, if a person asks me who I am voting for I will answer with "That's personal and I don't reveal that".  However, I do enter into discussions about politics, politicians and all the dirt and lies that go with it.

  9. No.  Now that Palin is the VP choice I am so INCREDIBLY EXCITED about the GOP ticket!  McCain has won the presidential race with a vivacious, smart, patriotic woman and all Barry has is an old, glib white career politician.

  10. I always vote for the most conservative candidate. My friends know where I stand and we respect each others views.

  11. I will be voting for McCain and I do not lie about it. However, I cannot be open about my support for McCain in some situations (I live in ultra liberal NYC) - or else I'd get attacked physically. My neighbor put up a McCain sign in his window and Obama supporters broke his windows (threw stones).  

  12. Ask yourself how can Obama unify this nation when he NEVER reaches across the aisle like McCain has done so many times.  He is an extreme left wing nut who is rigid in his thinking, there is no room for discussion like he pretends.  Compromise is the way forward, Obama doesn't have clue one how to get anything done.

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