
Have you ever lied to your significant other?

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I did and I paid the ultimate price. A word to the wise: Always remain truthful, always cherish that relationship, never cheat and always tell your significant other you love them. I wish no one the pain of a Broken Heart that I rightfully deserve.




  1. man i lied to one girl i dated and she tried setting me on was i broke up with her because i wasn't happy.she was a little nutty if you get my drift.

  2. No relationship is perfect, therefore someone will eventually lie. Even if it's about something little like if they took the trash out or not. Most of the time people lie about cheating or bigger issues, but in reality everybody lies. It's human nature. And we will lie to the ones we love, even without meaning to sometimes.

  3. no i haven't and don't need to we both are like one and we tell each other everything.i finally found someone i can relate to.And i love him so much.**

  4. I have, but it was about stupid stuff like I told him "I don't know what the dog ate that is making him have to go to the bathroom every 5 mins." when in actuality I fed him some people food I probably shouldn't have given to him, but other than that no.  Lies are definitely not good esp. if they are lies about significant things, but your reason for lying may be legite.  However, like you said even though you may have good reasoning for lying...honestly is always the best policy.

  5. I always told you I loved you, I never cheated, I stuck through this through thick and thin, I remained truthful... so you lost me cause that's how you wanted it.

    I wish you the best ALWAYS!

    Cheers Sureno

  6. my boyfriend and I have not lie to each other about anything.

  7. No, I try to include him in every decision I make, though sometimes I do have to do things that he would prefer I did not lol.  We can't always see eye to eye on everything.

  8. No, actually. I have never told a lie, or cheated.

    And yet Avid is still perhaps that doesn't work.

  9. It's good to see that you have realized that what you did was wrong. Two years ago, my (now fiance) cheated on me. He lied to me for a few months and even went to see her. I was suspicious about why he was "going to Georgia to see a family friend's funeral." I can't believe I bought that story. Well, I hacked into his email and found emails to a girl named Rebecca. I confronted him about it by handing him the all the emails I printed off. He just started crying. He just kept apologizing. He really hurt me. I didn't talk to him for 3 days. Then, I told him that if hew anted to try to fix things, I would give him a second chance but that he was walking on thin ice. He did a complete turn around and really proved his love for me. I now have full access to all of his emails and his cell phone. We live together now so it's easier for us. He broke my heart so bad and no matter how hard I try, I will never forget that all of that happened. You have to realize this. Your girl is going to act differently for a while. You need to reassure her a million times a day that you only love her and that you promise to make things better. After a couple years, things will be back to normal. Just don't s***w it up again!

  10. i cheated on him during a roung patch. i still havent told him and it does guilt me alot but i thought it was for the best to move past it (watch me get thumbs down) im just being honest about lying

  11. No

    Will you cheat again?

    If not what will stop you

  12. I think anyone who says they have never lied to a partner is lying.  

  13. Yeah I lie a lot to people I think Im just pathological...not like huge lies but yeah I lie a lot...and the girl who said she never lies is a huge liar herself.

  14. I have been married for 18 years and I've never had any reason to lie to him about anything! My husband and I have and honest relationship and tell each other everything. Lies don't get you anywhere, and in the long run, those lies will come back and slap you in the face. Be honest from the start and you won't have anything to worry about!

  15. i have made lies by omission, which are just as bad....not proud of myself.

    well at least you realized what a stupid mistake you made. hopefully in the future you will know that honesty is the best policy and wasn't worth losing a great girl over a stupid lie

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