
Have you ever lived next to a railroad track?

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How did you sleep at night? Did you ever get used to it? I live 3 blocks away from one and sleep in the top story of my house. In the middle of the night it is SO LOUD and I'm not as close to it as some people! You can hear the rumble coming for 5 minutes sometimes, not to mention the horn!




  1. I live near freight train tracks, they're right across from my house.  I actually enjoy the train, it makes me want to hop on and go out west into the night...

  2. lol thats funny....awww i miss it..

    does that answer your question?

    yes, i used to live like a block away from some railroad tracks..and i lived in the corner house so i was really close!

    i did get used to it which is probably the reason why i miss it now..and its been almost 5 years since i moved...

    i guess it depends on how you sleep if you're a heavy sleeper or not..i guess im both because sometimes i couldnt sleep and then after a while i could..or maybe i just got used to it?

    dont worry though..i think you will get used to it...someday...maybe...

  3. Uhhhh! It was crazy. You do, kind of, get used to it. But, I'll never forget when the train went by, our touch lamp would come on, everytime, by itself, from the vibrations. It was crazy. You're right, the horn is soooooooo loud!!!

  4. There are train tracks right behind my house (they butt up to my back yard).  With the house being built in 1930 they rattle everything!  The worse part about it is that there is a railroad crossing 6 houses down.  Its a college neighbor hood and now i know why the landlord acted like he was in a hurry when he showed us the house as he didn't want a train to go by.  Whats worse is there was a student killed by a train at the crossing (running on foot from the police).  Now the conductors really lay on the horn going through here.

    As to getting used to it, i was used to it after the first couple weeks.  At times when they couple and uncouple behind my house that still wakes me up.  Also, its tough trying to talk on the phone while they are going by.

    The way we dealt with it all:  When were having a party and a train goes by we all yell "TRAIN CHUG!!!" and of course, finish our drink.

  5. I lived off a branch line that saw two switch runs per day and occasional coal traffic to a power plant.  You get used to it.  you will start to notice when there are no trains!

  6. Yep, used to live next to the tracks. Didn't mind the trains, liked to watch them go by, even in the middle of the night. You get used to the noise after a while and will sleep right through them. If you have a hard time dealing with it, then you should probably find somewhere else to live. Not much you can do about the noise. Chances are, the railroad was there before those houses and apartments were!

  7. --- maybe a little sound proofing of the walls would help ... will google something -brb - As another alternative, hang manufactured soundproofing wall coverings–—such as Pyrotek or Super Soundproofing products–—which are sold as rigid panels or in rolls. You can purchase these at home improvement centers, lumberyards, insulation contractors or drywall supply houses

  8. I live about five blocks away from tracks that are in constant use and I hear the trains ALL the time.  When I first moved here, I thought I would never get used to it, but now I hardly ever notice it.  It really helps that I have double-paned windows because it really lowers the noise level.  

    You can always get ear plugs for when you sleep, or stuff something in the cracks of your windows and doors to cut some of the noise.

  9. My back yard was right against an old Southern Pacific line that had a small number of freights and occaisionally the ASTA Steam Locomotive ( an ALCO 1916 Mikado # 786 ).  I am further away from the UP main, ( 3 blocks away ) and I kind of like it. It makes me feel good somehow knowing somebody else is on the head end, handling the train and scanning the tracks for anything out of the ordinary.  I grealty prefer train noises to cars or aircraft.  I suppose you have to like trains.

  10. generally the closer you live the less you notice the noise.

    I lived 5 blocks from trains as teen and I can't remember the trains going by lol  Now I live 1.5 miles away, on top of a hill and it gets to me some times.  They should have a low horn and high horn, huh?

  11. Federal law mandates that a train sound its horn when approaching a grade crossing, with or without gates.  Engineers may also sound the horn if a person or animal is encroaching on the tracks.  How loud the horn is depends largely on its construction, and for how long it is blown.

  12. I agree, I live near some railroad tracks as do my grandparents.  Don't worry, you'll get used to it after a little while.  I've actually gotten so used to it that sometimes I don't even notice it.  

    In fact, it just went by a few seconds ago!

  13. I live a block away. I'd first like to say before I start I don't think I could live by and airport runway. I've lived in a town that has trains coming in or out withing 20 to 30 min intervals all my life. When I moved away the sound of the distant horns and train movement was sadly missed. It always reminded me of my dad, he worked nights. It has never bothered my sleep. Probably due to the early childhood corelation.

  14. I grew up only a half block from the "El" tracks in Chicago's West side. I was able to tune it out but any time a visitor came they stayed awake all night

  15. No but my friend did and when I would spend the night, I could feel the was so loud. I don't know how they could sleep through it.

  16. I am use to it, but I hear trains all day.

    CSX employee

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