
Have you ever lived through a hurricane or experienced one?

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Tell us which one and how your experience went (other than "lots of wind and water").




  1. yes I did, three month ago, destroyed 60%of the town I lived in, and I lost my house with most of my earthy possessions.

  2. yeah i was through 2 hurricanes in the early '90s when i was in the navy, but the most memorable i was in was andrew when i lived in southern florida, katrina when i was in louisiana when i was visiting my sister, and wilma that came over where i lived in southwest florida

  3. Two of them back to back.  Was on a naval ship which you really have no choice but to head straight into them and keep the winds to your bow.  Cold-cuts for four days since the rolls were worse then the cooks could handle.  Looking back it was a fun time.  

  4. For Hurricane

    Hilda I was 9 (1965) My father had surgery right before the hurricane so we went up to Thibodeaux Louisiana about 45 miles to the North to a shelter. I remember the wind hitting the roof and it leaking. The next morning when it was over my twin and I went outside and saw a car that had all its windows blown out and tree limbs and leaves all over in it. The guy had left my hometown where he was in a tornado just north of where we lived. 22 people died. When we drove by there was unbelievable destruction. Just a little roof damage to the house.

    Then a year later when I was ten Hurricane Betsy hit We were in my Parents home in Larose Louisiana which is 60 miles south of New Orleans by road. The eye of the storm passed right over us. I remember we had a tin roof and you could here things hitting it all night. We had our windows boarded up but you could look out through cracks and see things flying across the street. It was very scary. When the eye passed we went outside and could see the stars. I taught it was all over. The neighbors were out talking to the family and then my Mother said everyone back inside, the other side of the storm was about to hit. As soon as I walked in the door you could here the wind pick up what seem was worst then the first. I finally fell asleep about 3 in the morning. When I woke up I went to go outside and there was about 4 feet of water on the ground. It stayed for a few days. There was only roof damage etc. in our home town. But going south of us to Grand Isle the damage was extensive.

  5. There was one in London in the 80s and I lived through that.  Didn't do any damage to the house I lived in though.  I think it was too scared to come in the East end lol

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