
Have you ever looked at baby pictures of your child and felt....?

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so full of emotions? Like what you were going through at that time and how much your child changed and grew up? I found some old ones of daughter and I felt so overwhelmed!




  1. Always, my daughter is only 6 months and I looked at her hospital picture the other day and she was so tiny, I can't believe it, I cried.  BTW make sure you get tons of video too!  It's so cute to watch.

  2. yes! I made a DVD slide show of my 4 boys growing from the time they were born until now and every now and then I watch it and it makes me cry. It's not because I'm sad, it's hard to explain but the feeling is overwelming like I just love them so much and it amazes me how fast time has gone by.

    my boys are 13, 13 (twins), 11 and 8

  3. all the time...thank goodness for pictures

  4. All the time. Especially looking at baby pics with their chunky little cheeks. They are so full of happiness. Heck.. pictures from 2 months ago can make me feel that way. lol

  5. oh yea! That happened today actually. I got home after taking my 15 year old daughter out to lunch so we could talk and stuff and I just pulled out an old photo album and bawled my eyes out. Just to hear the things she had to say today, hear her views on life and just her favorite things and then to look a there as a such a tiny baby. It amazed me at how much she has grown and also that she turned into such an  amazing young lady.

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