
Have you ever looked in the mirror & was suprised at what you saw??

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I ask this bc here recently I think I have had an epiphany.

I was brushing my teeth & after I leaned down & spit out the paste, I looked at the mirror & scrutinized myself. I saw all kinds of things in my eyes, wrinkles, new things about my hair ...

Has anyone ever had that happen?

It's like i saw that I had grown up or something.

Im just wondering is all ...




  1. yes i had that happened to me  around last year but i took care of the wrinkles with a good wrinkle remover and my hair, i just dye it with a conditioning hair color, i look young as ever...yet i am still miserable

  2. Maybe for the first time in your life, you actually took a genuine look at yourself and saw those changes. Discovering them can be either a revelation or a disappointment. Many women are critical of their appearance anyway. Your experience obviously had no criticism in it. You just "saw" yourself. Excellent!

    I remember the first time I was surprised at what I saw - it is the light in my eyes. I have a brilliant light in my eyes that shines from the inside (not reflecting from other lights). I've noticed this light for many years and I don't know if anyone else can see it or not. It does not show up in photographs for some reason. But it doesn't matter. As long as I can see it, that's all that matters to me. I hope the light never goes away. I find it comforting. It makes me feel beautiful no matter what I think of the rest of me. And I never worry about what others think. They spend enough energy worrying about how they look... LOL.

  3. Yes, I looked in the mirror and thought, I didn't have those bags under my eyes before and my top lid wasn't droopy last week. Then I thought, you are getting old girl. The next time I look I'm scare I might see wrinkles and off to the plastic surgeon we go....

  4. No.  

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