
Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and say, out loud, "I am g*y"?

by  |  earlier

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or L*****n or bisexual, or transgender...(whatever happens to fit).




  1. Hmm... maybe so. I can't really remember.

  2. Yea I do because I cnt face the fact dat I am =[ I'm ashame of wat I am. Infact I thght smethng was wrong with me and stll thnk dat because I'm bi. =[

  3. No, but my reflection screamed it one night.

  4. no...but it sounds fun...brb gonna do it <3

  5. Nope. Never. I have never said that to myself. But somehow, I still know.

  6. I practice saying i'm g*y in the mirror before I actually came out.  

  7. No....I can't even stand to look at my own face more than 3 seconds, let alone talking to my mirror.

  8. LOL LOL -- absolutely NOT


  9. No I have said to myself though in a whisper Oh dear its not looking too good for you today is it???

  10. No but I say it my head sometimes, I'd never have the guts to say it aloud, to anyone, unfortunately.  

  11. Actually, yes. Not THAT loud, but i say it all the time!

  12. I did that at 16, right before I came out.

    It was a way of trying to adjust to the thought of it, somehow...

    Worked well enough. ;)

  13. I did not use the term g*y but I had often remarked that I was reasonably happy. After Gwen died it took a long time to look with delight on each new day.

    Rose P.

  14. No because I don't know, please answer my question about this;...

    Please answer this question, I would appreciate any input,

    thank you

  15. no i don't think that's necessary

  16. well kinda

    when i was actually questioning it

  17. Naw, I yelled "I'M A GIRL!!!!"

  18. No. I know I am. I don't need to tell myself

  19. Please explain, how can somebody look in the mirror and call themselves "g*y". Looks doesn't tell a person about his Sexuality.

    Hmmpph, You need to help yourself, just a little adivice from me. ^_^

  20. When I was a teenager,yes! When my parents weren't home I would scream it out loud.

  21. lol today 4 the first time lol ...haha

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