
Have you ever lost a shoe?

by  |  earlier

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What did you do with the other one?




  1. when i was 5 i was on a boat and all our shoes were right next to the doorish thing and my shoe fell out and sank :(

    my uncle tried to get it but he couldnt find it

    they were my favorite shoes

    i cried


  2. Plant some lovely flowers in your spare shoes!

    if you do this, you need to put holes in the soles of the shoes to let any water drain through

  3. Save it in hopes of finding the lost one. Or if it's a lost cause, throw it out. :(

  4. no...but if i did..i would just leave it in the closet

  5. Haha. I haven't. But i would keep the other shoe in case you find the missing one. :)

    Ask around to see if people have seen any shoes lying around. :)

  6. Yeah. I just threw the other one out.

  7. Save it, they always turn up somewhere.

  8. i actually lost both pairs of shoes at a resturant in another state, lol.  

    i was like 6, 7 or 8 or something around that and i had gotten a new pair of shoes. lol.  

    Luckly i didnt like the pair i lost, so it was no big deal.

    i did lose one black flip flop, but it was stuck under the couch when i found it. lol.

    i kept the one flipflop, yea i could've gotten a new pair, but i didnt and they are like 5 bucks at old navy.  I found the flip-flop like 5 months after i noticed i had lost it. lol.  

  9. well, i got them at kmart so i threw out the other one.

    But, if there expensive you should save them

  10. Yes I have and I kept it just in case I found the other one!!


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