
Have you ever lost anything in your checked-in luggage?

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Have you ever checked-in your luggage, got them back, opened them at home and found out that one of the items in your bag was missing? Where do you think it got lost (or stolen?)? At the departure airport or at the arrival?




  1. I have not had anything taken from my luggage, but it has happened to numerous collegues traveling between the USA and the Middle East.

    Items are stolen from bags when there is time + opportunity to do so. That means the thefts usually occur at the departure airport when the bags are sitting around waiting for the outgoing flight to arrive, or at a connecting airport where the bags sit around for a while between flights. Thefts normally only happen at arrival airports when it is a widespread problem and the supervisors are involved.

    Also, the things stolen are almost always small items the baggage worker can hide in a pocket. Invariably (among my collegues) the items were on top in their bag and the theft did not require the baggage worker to spend time looking for something to steal.

    Bury small, valuable items in your clothes - don't leave them on top.

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