
Have you ever lost your wallet or purse more than one time?

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comment 1: yea it does




  1. Yes once, last year.

    I just don't know what or how it happened. I guess I was a victim of pick pocket, it happened inside Makro shop. When I noticed that my wallet was missing, I went to the front desk. And there you are my wallet was there. They said someone handed it. Sure. Of course the cash was gone ..... just the  wallet and all the things and cards are intact. Oh well, that was the story of my life. Sad.

    Finger crossed, I hope it will not happen to me again.    

  2. No but me and my bf were walking

    around Lake Merritt in Oakland Ca.

    somewhere along the way I had lost it

    by the time I realized it I had gotten home

    already and out of nowhere the Police

    pulled up in front of the house

    with my wallet! That was cool

    and strange @ the same time!

  3. no my purse is attached to me.

  4. As yet, I'm lucky enough to never have lost mine. I can imagine how horrible it must feel though!!

  5. no, I never got one back yet to lose it a second time.

  6. Lost & found !! LOL

    I have never lost anything, honest.  But I have found lots of things on the floor.   EG:  when I was a kid (12) I found a gold coin (half a Sovereign).  I also found two £20 folded = £40


    "  CindyRed  "  -- Bad luck there !!   -- I always chuckle at people who help themselves to the money and then  'honestly' and 'sincerely' hand in the useless contents of the wallet... like discharging their guilty conscience on you !!

  7. Ive never lost a wallet.

  8. No, I've never lost a purse nor a wallet. Guess I've been lucky. It must be dreadful to lose one though! My sister-in-law lost her purse once and it was a terrible drama for her to go through all the credit card notifications, obtaining a new drivers license, etc. I sure feel for you. ♥ ∞

  9. Well I had mine stolen in a Supermarket, and within thirty minutes they had taken over three hundred pounds out of my bank. This was the only money I had saved up out of my Pension to pay a bill. I have never been back there since, as certain people use it. !! I went to the Bank and asked how they could do that , and they said they are very clever, and you cannot imagine what I said !!. They refunded it as I was insured for all my cards etc.

  10. No, but I've left my card in the machine twice and it's been handed in both times. Though I don't believe in fate I've found wallets and always have handed them in so it's nice to pretend there is such a thing as you get back what you give.

  11. yes, i have lost it several times over the years,makes you feel sick,doesn't it?

  12. Never.My husband has found a few though when he used to go out jogging and cycling.One woman was delighted at getting hers back as it had all the money she had in it plus credit and bank cards, till her husband got back from a business trip.

  13. Yes. I am on my 27th debit card (3 of which were normal renewals... the rest requested by myself after losing them) as a result and have lost 5 front door keys with the purses. I have had my purse returned three times. Once it was handed into Primark WITHOUT the £40.00 that was in it and once I went back to the photo booth I left it in, WITHOUT the £12 coins that was in it. I wised up since losing it in australia with over $300 (australian money) which was give in at the nearest ploice station with all money in it. I've had a few scares but haven't actually lost my purse since 2005. However, I didn't get another purse until 2006, adament that carrying cards and money in my pockets was the answer to my problems. It all stems from secondary school when I was always losing my purse. I realised eventually that it was just me and not the mischievous nature of my purses

  14. No. But I know people who can be called as a compulsive on this case. My nieces have a tendency to lost things (same thing consecutively). Ex. one of them lost 3 cellphones consecutively and now she lost her clothe for her uniform. The other one Have lost a lot of umbrellas during High School and college.

  15. No, just the once and the kind lady forwarded it to my workplace as it luckily had my ID in it.

  16. h**l yea - i always get that sinking feeling like - wait have I forgotten something ?

  17. I have twice lost my wallet and twice had it handed in. The first time was on a beach in Spain and a German tourist handed in at the beach bar where I had been drinking.

    The second time was in the Great Northern Hotel, Kings Cross, London when I had left it in the toilet and someone handed it into reception.

    Both times nothing was missing.

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