
Have you ever lost your wedding ring?

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Just Curious. Can you tell me a story about how you lost and it how you found it.






  1. Lost mine cleaning out my wife's car one night.  Found it cleaning out my wife's car one day.  

    Btw, I didn't know how I lost it until I found it.  Would have been much earier the other way around, eh?

  2. Once.  I had taken it off during the night and it was under me in bed.  This wasn't too long after I got married.  I take it off when I go to bed now because I also woke up in the middle of the night once in the process of taking it off.  Some nights I have slept in it without taking it off, but I'm too scared I'll lose it so I normally take it off when I go to bed.  I also can't sleep in socks... I'm just funny that way.

  3. Didnt lose it...I pawned it for pampers, food for the kids the rat b*****d never supported

  4. my step dad just did. lol. my mom is all mad at him.  And I (I hate my step dad) said "I think this is a sign" lol.  tht was a bratty thing to say, but i meant it.

  5. Actually yes i did, once i was completely upset at my husband, and i took off my ring and threw it at him, and walked away, later that night we made up, and i felt stupid for throwing my wedding band at him, we looked all over for the ring and we couldn't find it, then he said to me that he would buy me another ring,in which he did, ,but after a month,while doing my spring cleaning, i found my wedding band, i was soo happy b/c i just didn't feel right wearing the other band that he bought for me, simply b/c it was the first one he had bought me and it was the one that we got married to, i am a very sentimental person, so every little thing mattered to me, but after finding the ring, i had put away the new band that he had bought for me, and started  to wear the old one, and i promised him i would never take off my rings again ever.

    Learned a valuable lesson through!

  6. I've never lost it but I've taken it off at times.  Sometimes I just don't want to be reminded.  

  7. No but i lost my husbands.

    Back in the summer of 2000 1 day after work he fell and broke and dislocated his 1 hand and needed surgery..His hand was so swollen that they had to cut his ring off for the surgery and they gave it back to me and we wanted to get it fixed but i lost it and never did find it and we have never gotten a new 1 yet but we want to someday.

  8. I never lost it, but when I was pregnant my fingers got so swollen my ring got stuck on my finger and I had to get it cut off.  I couldn't wear it until after I gave birth, and got it fixed of course.  

  9. Never have and I never will. Mines tattooed on!

  10. My ex lost her engagement ring she got one that  looked exactly the same and played it off till she found it 3 months later like an idiot didnt notice until she told me

  11. I lost my engagement ring (and never found it).  I was working as a chef and it came off with my glove (I'd just gotten the ring the night before, and even though it was a little big, I'd worn it into work to show to my coworkers).  It only took me a minute or two to notice, and when I did, I knew exactly what must have happened, so I ran over to the trash barrel... only to find that a Dishwasher had just taken the trash outside to the compactor... and pushed the button to compact the trash.  I spent the next 4 hours inside the compactor, sifting through the trash a little at a time (the Dishwasher felt really guilty and helped, and when I called my fiance, sobbing hysterically, he came and helped too), but we never found it.  It wasn't that expensive a ring, but the diamond had sentimental value: he'd given it to me as a necklace the first Christmas we were together, and I'd been wearing it every day since, for two years.

    Luckily, my now-husband is not the material type, so he wasn't that upset (I've talked to people who've said their boyfriend would break up with them over something like this).  Six years later, we are still happily married - though I still miss the ring, of course (and every once in a while, he'll crack a joke about me throwing jewelry away... it's still not that funny).

  12. I got drunk once & threw it at him.  I couldn't find it for days.  It was in my jewelry box.  After I found it I remembered sneaking in the living room in the middle of the night, finding it, and putting it in there.  Stupid!

  13. Never been marriage but I hope it won't happen to me.

  14. You know how the bride turns her back to the guest and throws her flowers? Well I turned my back to the dumpster and threw my wedding ring. I walked away and never saw my ring again. Ahhhh : (

  15. Thankfully no... and what kind of person would I be if I lost my wedding ring less than a month after getting married.. XD  

  16. My situation played out like a sitcom.  My husband had just gotten on my case about eBaying but there was just one more ring I wanted.  I needed to know the ring size on my right hand, so I used my wedding ring for comparison.  It got stuck.  I ended up going to the jeweler where they cut it off and told me I had to wait six weeks for the swelling to go down so they could resize the ring.  I panicked and started bawling right there in the store, so they got me calmed down and explained that they thought the ring was for my right hand and that they could have it fixed by the end of the day.  I got calmed down and figured that my husband would never know the difference, however, on the way out of the jewelers, which also happened to have a gift shop, the clerk felt so bad for me that he gave me a dozen roses to cheer me up.  I started bawling again and said I couldn't explain the roses to my husband without explaining the ring.  Poor guy felt horrible.

    I ended up telling hubby about it anyway, and we still have a good laugh about it to this day...and I haven't bought anything from eBay since.

  17. the wife lost her 4,000  dollar engagement ring or rather the diamond,and did it start a string of bad luck years, about 14 of them.

  18. Sure can. It was my time of the month and I had some water weight gain and my fingers was swelling so I took my rings off and put them on the night stand before I went to bed. That morning I got up and got my oldest son ready for school and got my 2 year old out of his bed and I went to go brush my teeth. My 2 year old was standing in my bedroom next to the table where my rings were, they were gone. I asked him to show where they were at he didn't. So it was like that for about 2 weeks and one day he was in my room standing next to my floor fan pointing saying look mama laughing his little but off, I looked and there they were in the bottom corner of the fan I couldn't believe it so I hugged him got the s***w driver and retrieved my rings and on the rare occasion that I take my rings off I now put them in a locked jewelry box.  Oh and my husbands came up missinga few months later we looked in the fan and there it was he is not aloud in our room unless we are in it any more. The door stays locked.

  19. OMG, I love your question!!! I was doing laundry and I brought up the clothes from the basement and was carrying the laundry basket, and I set it on my bed, and then I put the clothes away, and went to SalVation Army this thrift store, and then I was looking at clothes, and then and there I just "happened" to look at my wedding finger, and no ring!!!!!!

    I totally freaked out!!!!!! I ran out of the store, looked in my car, around my car and just was white with panick!!!!!

    I came home, I looked in the driveway, up the steps in the house and still, no ring, then I went into my bedroom and looked on the floor and thank God my ring was on the floor under my bed, where my laundry basket was!!!!

    What happened is that my finger got caught in the basket, and the ring fell off and I did not feel a thing!!!!

    On my merry way I went!!!!

    You bet I check my wedding finger every day after that, every time THAT finger gets "caught" on something!!!!!

  20. well i didn't lose one but my brother got in a fight with his wife.opened the front door and threw it.that's when it got lost.after they calmed down he looked for it but couldn't find it.a year and a half later i was at his house and brought my metal detector.within 10 minutes i found put a smile on my sis in laws face.

  21. I didn't but my husband did.  Well technically he did not lose it, we just couldn't get it back.  He used to play with it, tossing it and catching it.  He missed and it fell into some machinery.  It is still in it somewhere as far as I know.  We will be celebrating our 22 anniversary in December.  He lost the ring in January, right after we married.

  22. yes ,i was a house keeper and i lost my ring.i looked every where even the managers success.i was crying and really hurt they let me leave early, i went home called my husband and he said..d**n how you do that? i said i didn't feel it come off.when he got home he said iam not buying you another 1.i was so upset,then he said at least you have the one with the band, i lost the one that goes on top of that.the diamond.and of course he went and brought me a new

  23. yes, in a very painful divorce.

    found it by finding a new bride

  24. My husband did. He thought he set it on the night stand and when he went to get it it was nowhere. We had a water bed at the time, so it couldn't have gone under the bed. We searched everywhere for a few weeks. Finally we got him a new one, but not as nice, cuz we didn't really have the money to replace it. Then about 7-8 months later we moved. We moved all the furniture out and the last thing to move was the water bed. Some how, it ended up under the frame. I picked up the side rail and there it was! We still don't know how it got under there, but we were glad we finally found it.

  25. ex took it and put it on my EX-best friends hand. They have been married for eight years and I have been happily fishing by my self for nine. True story, gave up on relationships...they take too much time away from the good things in life.

  26. I did not technicality lose it I left it at a hotel we were staying at and by the time I realized I was not wearing it we were 2 states away.  I called the manager of the motel and she said that the maid turned it in and they would be sending it in the mail.  I got it about a month later.  It goes to prove there are still nice honest people out there.  

  27. no

  28. Well Im not married but my dad lost his when he was working for the lafft taffy fatory it fell into the banana flavor and guy actually ate it!! LOL so yup.

  29. Never lost it. Been married over 6 years and never even taken it off.

  30. I lost it while I was out working.  I never found it.  I bought a new one.  

  31. I dropped down the toilet & flushed it . OOPS !  

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