
Have you ever loved someone so much that you are scared of losing them?

by  |  earlier

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  2. Yes I have...unfortunately I have lost people I my dad :( but I split with the only man I ever loved...luckily I have him back :) but am so scared of losing him again as I would feel like my world got ripped apart.  i also lost my kids for a few months (which broke my heart but it was to help me straighten out) and I got them back so YES!!!!!!!!! I am always scared of losing my loved ones and people I love.

  3. yes and i still ended up losing him,i did everything for him ,maybe too much as he took it for granted and still cheated.

  4. depends what u mean if its boyfriend or girlfriend wise then yes of course its called being insecure

  5. Oh yeah definitely. My one and only family members.  

  6. its extremely natural, its what loving someone entails but it gets easier over time so try to calm yourself and embrace it

  7. yes, ive been with my partner 14 years and hes never given me any reason to believe he'd stray or leave but weve spent everyday of those 14yrs together and i do get scared when hes not around, i feel like ive lost a limb!

  8. yes.

  9. yeah that's what happen to me right know with my bf

  10. Well pretty much all my family and friends.Wouldn't want to lose any of them ever.

  11. Yes indeed I have.

  12. My family.

  13. I think not yet.

  14. yes

    My family n friends

  15. Yeah

    and the result was I lost them :'( :'(

  16. Does saying you count babe.

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